
Amen MarkF, we can Worship God anywhere we choose. I worship him all day. I praise him for everything good and bad. Now I may have to call on the teacher that taught me when things go bad, then I come back to the place where God wants me. I am always thanking Jesus before the prayers even been answered because the blessings follow for who ever I'm praying for.

The prayer: Our Father Who Art In Heaven
Hallowed BeThy Name
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine in the Kingdom, the Power and The Glory forever. Amen

I may of misplaced words but this is the Greatest prayer because God said to pray in this way. Yes MarkF it seems so impersonal when we repeat the beautiful word but when we pray this prayer alone with a full open heart, there is meaning to God's Word and Prayer. There is Power in His Words.

If you want to feel God, go to your knees, humbling yourself to Him, worship him in Thanks for Everything, You will see and feel the Holy Spirit come upon you in a Mighty Powerful Way. That's when your coming to God with all your heart. Then soon to follow is a beautiful peace because he saw you and is pleased, hears our prayers and pleas, and Answers. Oh what an Awesome God We Serve.
Melani you just hit 2 of my favorite verses 1 Thes. 5:16 "Rejoice always." and 1 Thes. 5:17 "Pray without ceasing!" Yeah...a Bible study has broken out!!

MarkF you are so correct. Worship is a one with God moment. Worship is meant to be personal with God. It shouldn't matter what other people think. There are people around the world who are dieing for our Lord and Savior but too many people in America won't even raise their hands to worship. If you are truly worshipping God then you will not even notice the others around you. Unfortunately we live a place where it is not "politically correct" to worship God openly, and that is wrong. Jesus didn't worry about what others thought when he died on the cross.

My question is this "What does your Christianity cost you today?"
Raptor":2rdzqcvk said:
Not to offend anyone-But whats up with this confession thing?
You mean to tell me,God wants you to confess you're sins to another Human being? Like God don't already know? I just don't get?

Wow! My preacher addressed this topic this morning.

(James 5:16) Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results. (NLT)

Here we go...This is one of the many ways Religion is a dividing point among God's People...With that said here goes.
When we confess to someone else, it's not for the purpose of forgiveness, it's for freedom. We need other strong believers in our lives walking with us in accountability to help us overcome our weaknesses.
Too many man made rules dividing us up,when actually we being ALL of us are a Body of Christ.
allforhim":3bep1df4 said:
Melani you just hit 2 of my favorite verses 1 Thes. 5:16 "Rejoice always." and 1 Thes. 5:17 "Pray without ceasing!" Yeah...a Bible study has broken out!!

MarkF you are so correct. Worship is a one with God moment. Worship is meant to be personal with God. It shouldn't matter what other people think. There are people around the world who are dieing for our Lord and Savior but too many people in America won't even raise their hands to worship. If you are truly worshipping God then you will not even notice the others around you. Unfortunately we live a place where it is not "politically correct" to worship God openly, and that is wrong. Jesus didn't worry about what others thought when he died on the cross.

My question is this "What does your Christianity cost you today?"


Cost me a simple Yes and Walk with our Lord-Jesus--Really cheap price for enternal

Too many Churchs are so non tolerant of other people's expression
of how one Worship's Christ,You Don't have to face the East when you pray.
You don't have to stand with one leg on a Chair.
You don't have to turn you're head just right,you see everyone of us
is different,Everyone of us is different in the body of Christ.

Question? allforhim-Did you get the RoughRider Voucher?
Amazing Grace is my all time favorite song. One part of it goes:
"I ONCE WAS LOST BUT NOW AM FOUND"!!!!!!!!!!! That is my one winning thing in life because I once was lost, a non-believer. God and Jesus teamed up and hit me over the head and I was FOUND. I am now a believer with all my heart. I feel that everytime I read a post on this thread I learn something new. I get on my knees every night and thank God for what he has done for me.

Bless everyone on this board, we are one in God.

Andy Martin
Amen and Amen. There's a verse in the Bible talking about people praying on the corner of the street for all to hear, Well our God calls them hypocrites and honors our prayers when we pray in private to him alone. I had a surgery today so I'm asking prayer for a quick recovery. It was called a Radio Frequency to burn nerves in order for me to walk without any pain. It would mean the world to me to have all of you faithful men of God praying for a fast recovery. I may not be on the computer for a couple of days but please know I'm praying for everyone on this message board. I love all of you, Melani
God Bless All of you because I had the surgery Wednesday and today I bought a big load of groceries. I'm a little bit sore but by the grace and mercy of God, his surgery was a great big success and like I told a special person, now I need to put my tennis shoes on and hit the pavement (with my walker) just for now, then take a little walk, bringing on the bigger walk soon. God is Awesome. Thank all of you.