Relay for Life


Six-man expert
DISCLAIMER: I only post this because it is something my wife is involved with. If you have your own cause, please feel free to post.

Her letter is listed below. Thank you.

Cancer has touched so many lives, and I'm guessing it may have touched your life in one way or another. In the past, I have known people that have had cancer and have won and lost the fight with it. Over the past couple of years, I have come to know a very special case that has now made me really want to help and get involved.

I am going to be part of Relay for Life, a program established to raise awareness about cancer. I am going to be walking for the Super Jake Team at the April event in Georgetown, Texas.

I came to know about Jake through his mother, Patty. Patty has a daughter the same age as my son Kepler and we became friends. As our friendship has grown over the past year or so, I have come to learn a great deal about her precious son, Jacob. Jacob is forever four years old as he went to heaven in October of 2005. Jake lost his battle with PTLD, a cancer that affects transplant patients. There is not a day that goes by that Patty doesn't think about Jacob and wish he was still with her. You can read about Jake on his website:

Please help me make a difference in the fight against such an evil disease that affects so many. Your donation is tax deductible. We will walk through the night to symbolize that cancer doesn't sleep, so neither will we. More information is listed below. At the end of the email will be a link to my page, where you can learn about making a donation.

Thank you for your help! I am committed to doing whatever I can to keep cancer from touching any other lives. We pray for the day that cancer is totally 100% defeated from this world.

Thank you!
Tara ... =167191747
Cancer has indeed touched many family's and friends,Mine included.

Last July My Father had Cancer in both Kidney's,One kidney was removed,while the Cancer was cut out of the other Kidney,Today my father lives a normal life,He drives in the big city,He works in his garden,He fish's,By looking at him one would never know he his living on 3/4 of one Kidney.Every Day it seems that modern medicine is getting closer and closer to beating this disease,One Day IT WILL COME! Many of us including myself think Nah it will never happen to me or my family,My thinking has now changed,It is real and it can happen to all of us.I would like to thank the ones that walk, participate,donate their time in any way for the Cause..I too pray for the day when the cure comes,It is just a matter of time,BTW My Dad is 76 yrs young and going strong...I encourage all to look into your pockets and donate what you can,You never Know,We could be 50 cents away from curing this Disease...
Thanks for allowing me to share just a little.

God Bless----------mark