Questions about Private Schools in 6-Man Football

Ask the guy that started the thread (Klaactu), hes the one that posted about recruiting. I just happened to catch it and quote him on it.
* Even though it's no secret RS recruits year after year. I have plenty of proof, let's go back to the Hicks' brothers if you want to go back that far
Then Klaactu, for the integrity and fairness of the game, should do the right thing and present his "proof" to the UIL. Otherwise, he should stop making such unfounded allegations.
But there was a lot of conversation about Richland Springs winning 9 State Championships so far. Number 10 coming this year.
Are you talking about Fantasy Six Man Football for number 10? Is RS in the Smokey and Mirrors division or just plain Blowin Smoke division? Please detail the newest resurrection of the coyote pack. More new faces moving to town? Who replaces those speedy seniors? Can the coyote catch the roadrunner? Don't be shy.
Are you talking about Fantasy Six Man Football for number 10? Is RS in the Smokey and Mirrors division or just plain Blowin Smoke division? Please detail the newest resurrection of the coyote pack. More new faces moving to town? Who replaces those speedy seniors? Can the coyote catch the roadrunner? Don't be shy.Last ast year was a rebuilding year for Richland Springs. And yet the Coyotes reached the seni-finals.
Last year was a rebuilding year for Richland Springs yet they made it to the semi-finals. Six seasoned Juniors will re returning including an all-state defensive player.
I mean to be fair, RS has a great shot getting to the finals with the new realignment and returning 6 does help there chances at getting another ring… I mean let’s be real here. Who else in the east can hang with them this year?

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