Dec 10, 2013 #261 B6MF Six-man fan Dallas covenant by 39 Grandfalls by 23 Crowell by 36 Freddy by 6??
Dec 11, 2013 #268 P pecospete 11-man fan Fredricksburg Heritage Boerne Geneva Crowell Grandfalls Royalty Fredricksburg Heritage 66...San Antonio Castle Hills 64
Fredricksburg Heritage Boerne Geneva Crowell Grandfalls Royalty Fredricksburg Heritage 66...San Antonio Castle Hills 64
Dec 11, 2013 #269 P PopRay 11-man fan L.ESSARY ya need to pick the score for Tiebreaker... Melani you need to pick the score of Tiebreaker and pick the DC/BG game...
L.ESSARY ya need to pick the score for Tiebreaker... Melani you need to pick the score of Tiebreaker and pick the DC/BG game...
Dec 11, 2013 #270 Leman Saunders Six-man expert Supporter Here are my public school picks
Dec 12, 2013 #271 Shad Kline Six-man fan Crowell +45 Grandfalls-Royalty +31 Dallas the Covenant +45 SA Castle Hills +11 SA Castle Hills 65 Fredericksburg Heritage 54
Crowell +45 Grandfalls-Royalty +31 Dallas the Covenant +45 SA Castle Hills +11 SA Castle Hills 65 Fredericksburg Heritage 54
Dec 12, 2013 #272 P PopRay 11-man fan Picks so far look like this: Crowell 9 v May 4 GF 10 v Milford 3 DC 9 v BG 2 SACH 4 V Fr 8
Dec 13, 2013 #274 The Motley Fool Six-man fan Fredricksburg Heritage Dallas The Covenant Crowell (but rooting for May) Grandfalls-Royalty Freddy 46-44
Fredricksburg Heritage Dallas The Covenant Crowell (but rooting for May) Grandfalls-Royalty Freddy 46-44
Dec 13, 2013 #277 D Da.Man.Fan 11-man fan I did pretty well on my picks last round: May WON Crowell WON Follett LOST Milford WON BG WON tiebreaker score of Newcastle and Milford.... Newcastle 40 Milford 48 ACTUAL Newcastle 58 Milford 66 So my new picks: MAY MILLFORD BG FREDDY tiebreaker: FREDDY 58 - SACH 50
I did pretty well on my picks last round: May WON Crowell WON Follett LOST Milford WON BG WON tiebreaker score of Newcastle and Milford.... Newcastle 40 Milford 48 ACTUAL Newcastle 58 Milford 66 So my new picks: MAY MILLFORD BG FREDDY tiebreaker: FREDDY 58 - SACH 50
Dec 13, 2013 #278 MelaniB 11-man fan LOL Pop I have to get this all figured out. It's complicated for a woman. Chalk it up as she don't know what she's doing lol. That was my points but tie breaker that is a foriegn language to me. I threw out numbers.
LOL Pop I have to get this all figured out. It's complicated for a woman. Chalk it up as she don't know what she's doing lol. That was my points but tie breaker that is a foriegn language to me. I threw out numbers.
Dec 14, 2013 #279 P PopRay 11-man fan Alrighty folks this is for the whole enchilada ...pick'em for the finals...
Dec 14, 2013 #280 6 6manWT 11-man fan Division I Crowell Division II Grandfalls-Royalty Private Dallas the Covenant SA Castle Hills