Prayer or moment of silence?

You are, of course, correct rainjack. In 1947 Justice Hugo Black wrote regarding the Everson vs. United States that the phrase Jefferson used in his earlier address was "intended to erect a wall of separation of church and state".
The 9th amendment was intended to prevent the situation we now have. I guess someone forgot to read it. "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
CowboyP":6sbgwlf5 said:
The 9th amendment was intended to prevent the situation we now have. I guess someone forgot to read it. "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Since FDR's courts completely hijacked the "Commerce Clause", the ninth and tenth amendments have little, if any meaning anymore.

Anything an individual or any state does or doesn't do can be trumped by the commerce clause. At least that's been the playbook for going on 70 years now.
rainjacktx":1xactiiw said:
CowboyP":1xactiiw said:
The 9th amendment was intended to prevent the situation we now have. I guess someone forgot to read it. "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Since FDR's courts completely hijacked the "Commerce Clause", the ninth and tenth amendments have little, if any meaning anymore.

Anything an individual or any state does or doesn't do can be trumped by the commerce clause. At least that's been the playbook for going on 70 years now.

Hopefully for not much longer. The main government defense for 0bamacare rests on that interpretation of the Commerce Clause, which I'm betting will be shot down by the Supreme Court this coming year.
Old Bearkat":3ce9hy3r said:
Hopefully for not much longer. The main government defense for 0bamacare rests on that interpretation of the Commerce Clause, which I'm betting will be shot down by the Supreme Court this coming year.
Could we really be that lucky?
Old Bearkat":17m05rii said:
Hopefully for not much longer. The main government defense for 0bamacare rests on that interpretation of the Commerce Clause, which I'm betting will be shot down by the Supreme Court this coming year.

I saw what you did there with the 0.

You'd think The Court would exercise a little common sense and narrow the expanse they've given the Commerce Clause - especially with the worst case scenario staring them right in the face. I'm not that certain.

Breyer, Ginsberg, Sotomeyor, and Kagan are going to rule in favor of Barry care. Alito, Thomas, and probably Scalia will vote against.

It comes down to Kennedy and Roberts. And no one knows which universe either of them will wake up in on any given morning.

I wish I could share your optimism.
From what I've seen
it's a good split between
a full-on prayer and a moment of silence.
I too have heard an announcer
say we're not supposed to say:
and then pray.
That was too cool!

In our judicial district
there was a ruling passed down that
the "school" can't
but a student can!
So sometimes
they have that mature kid
from youth group do it,
unless they're already on the field.