Gentlemen, I need to confess that my post regarding what I perceived as poor sportsmanship on the part of Baytown was presumptuous and arrogant on my part. As a fan, I do not have the knowledge of what goes on on the field nor am I in the difficult position of a coach being judged (wrongly judged in this instance) week in and week out. I offer my apologies to Coach Wiggins for posting this publicly before I gave him the courtesy of responding to what I intended to write. Coach Wiggins was kind enough to send me a private message with his phone number asking me to call him. I called in "fear and trembling" but spoke with a very gracious coach. Cougar1414, your response is what made me re-think my actions so my thanks to you. To any others I have offended, I offer my apologies to you as well and commit to keeping my mouth shut on matters I have no knowledge (or not enough knowledge) of. Once again, my apologies to Coach Wiggins, the Baytown team and their fans. My best wishes to the Baytown kids, coaches and fans on their matchup with Midland Trinity this coming week.