Player of The Week, Fan Polls, and Weekly Pick 'em Deadlines


Six-man master
I wanted to take a bit today to let folks know about the schedule we'll use this year since there will be so much going on on the site (I hope I'm able to keep up with all this myself).

Player of The Week - Submissions for PoTW will open up at kickoff of the first game of the week. The deadline to get those PoTW nominations in will be Tuesday at midnight. I'll try to have the graphic ready and make the announcement for this on Friday mornings. So, for week 1 you'll have from noon on August 29 until midnight on the night of September 3. The announcement will be made on the morning of September 6.

Fan Polls - The polls will open up every Sunday afternoon (no set time) when I update the rankings from the previous week and switch over the schedules to the new week. I typically try to get that done as early in the day on Sunday as possible, as long as I have all the scores in by then. The polls will stay open, again, until noon on Wednesday.

Weekly Pick 'em - Just like the fan polls, voting here will open up as soon as I reset the week each Sunday. Again, no set time here but as early Sunday afternoon as possible. With this I'm going to try to give a little more time so picks can be made until noon on Thursday, or two hours before the first game of the week, whichever is soonest.