Weekly Fan Polls 2024


Six-man master
Thought we should have a thread to discuss the fan polls, and how they fluctuate, throughout the season this year.

Looks like it's pretty clear who the favorite is in UIL D1. For the first time since we started the fan polls, a team has received all the votes, with at least 10 votes being cast.

Also, we have a very tight race for first place in UIL D2. It's actually all tied up at the time of this post.

There's also a tight race for first in TAPPS D1, but few voters so still a lot of potential for changes to be made there.

TAPPS D2 and D3 have teams in first that have pulled away a little bit but, again, very few votes so still plenty of time for huge shake-ups there.

In TAIAO, there is only one voting member in D1 and D2 and only two voting members in D3. It'll be interesting to see if we get more voters there as the year goes on. I'm not sure those teams' fans realize this is happening.

Also, I'd like to thank @Pdevitt13 for this idea again. If not for him, this probably wouldn't be a thing and I think it's been interesting the last few years to keep up with this.

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