Plainview Christian

Justin Perez is the sophomore you are talking about dsanders. And yes he is looking pretty good this year. To cadec, I think you should just focus on the coming season and take care of business and quit worrying about what did or did not happen or what you thought was the problem, it is irrelevant. You guys are gonna have a great year if you can keep it meshed. With that being said, there is always gonna be arguments and some good ole fashion head knocking going on just cuz of the whole pride thing haha, comes with the territory. You will understand as you gain more experience as last year was your first year on a varsity team.
yes spectre, i AM focused on this coming year, and yes even though last year was my first year on a varsity team, coming in, and being a starter in the first week kinda gives you a little experiance. but yes, i know, i know, i have a lot more experiance gaining to do. and if you think about it, what happened last year IS relevant to what happens this year, if we can learn from last year, and we know what the problem(and PLEASE dont think i am calling you part of the problem, because you got most of our yards last year) last year, and we can fix it.........well.........then we wont make the same mistakes as last year. so we kinda still need to remember last year. at least in my opinion.
Justin Perez...yeah that was his name. He had a lot of speed last year and played pretty aggressive for a freshmen. So, how many guys do you have on your team this year?
well, now we have 9, with one injured for our scrimage tomorrow, but we are hoping to have him back for our game against cotten center. But one of our pretty good WR quit today, so that kinda threw us off, but, we will just get over it, and just play some football. how many guys do yall have this year?
Nope, I went back to public school, I'm at Oakwood way over in east TX. Bracken should be pretty good this year, they've got a great group of kids returning and hired a good coach, I think they can make a run in the D-I playoffs. I'm the Off. Coordinator over here and not the head coach, hopefully we can win some games our first year in six-man.
Good luck, I'll be keeping track of your team throughout the season!
Coach Wilson
Thanks guys...
And I heard that my little brother Dustin is helping assistant coach the corner and safety positions over there at PCA. He came to our Lorenzo game so I am sure that he got ya'll all of the info you need :D
your little brother watched practice and ran some routes for the scout team since there isn't enough players to have a full squad on each side of the ball. I don't think they would just allow anyone to come out to practice and start coaching.
yes, big kahuna is right, he ran some routes with the scout team, because we are a little short on numbers. but well, as far i know, our coaches (much less our athletic director) would not let anyone just come in and coach. haha
sorry coach, didnt mean to offend you.........what i meant to say was i dont think they would just let someone come in and just start coachin'........again, i didnt mean to offend you.....
dsanders":3owzly0q said:
Anyone who made all-district last year has SOME knowledge at least...that doesn't make him "anyone."

The "anyone" you are referring to also missed well over half the practices and/or was late to them last season. There are several players who have played more years cumulatively on the team this year. Making all-district in our district really doesn't take much to be honest, and that is coming from someone who made All-District 3 years in a row. I HIGHLY doubt he is or will be doing any coaching. He might assist with routes maybe.. but coaching.. definately not. Now I'm not saying that he didn't deserve that all district title but it does not make him any more equipped to coach than I or anyone else for that matter. And cadec11 is correct in that he wouldn't be allowed to coach, they are set on coaches.