Perspective folks.


11-man fan
As of late, I have noticed things getting a little bit more low class around here. As compared to usual anyways.

And it is ridiculous. Let me tell you all a little, heart warming tale.

I made the drive to every single All-Star game this year. Every one, like a lot of you did. And by far, my favorite had to be the Brazos Bowl. You know why? It was an actual game. Teams were drafted, not split East and West. And I realized why those kids were there. They loved football. Most of those kids never played again. They risked injury, learned a completely different coaching scheme, roomed with complete strangers, and made bonds. It was pure. It was good. It was football.

Remember the dew on the grass in August? Remember gassers with your best buddies? Remember the sweat dripping in your eyes. Recall the coach screaming your name and the crowds cheering. Recall the smell of sweat and grass on your equipment. Try to bring back the memory of the adrenaline of winning on your home field with the lights on. And remember the sting of your final loss.

We talk smack, but some people are forgetting what this site is for. It is for the love of a game.
I loved the Brazos Bowl for the same reasons you have posted...also loved the Don Hardin bowl because it gave me a chance to see some of the best Private School players play against a Public School All-Star team...a set up I really loved.

I will also side with you that there is a lot of negativity and attacks on the message board...and the good thing about it is I don't think it is kids that are behind the user names...sadly it is adults. I have been posting since the first message board on here (long lost message boards) and when I was younger I did post some overly negative comments, but about 2008 or 09 I realized it did no one any good and I was being a pretentious...well you get the point...since then I have tried my best to not be that poster any more...I do think the message board needs some cleaning up and once/if that happens I think more people will post or be involved in this website a little more than they already are
Leman and others are correct. This is a great site to cheer, discuss, and playfully jab at our friends. But most of all it is to support the kids. I seldom post, but for years have read everyone's comments. Mostly good banter between one another, but recently gone a little overboard. For about a week things have gotten better. Thanks to everyone for getting back to way it should be. Keep supporting the kids and their education. Six man football is a part of it.
Hi – just a very quick post to thank you all
- to say how absolutely lovely the energy is on here.
Can you feel it?
(Quote from some soft feelings website)

We don't stay calm, it's FOOTBALL season!
(Quote I seen on a mom's shirt at a local 6-man game)

Now be honest, what do you like better?
Lovely energy or passion for the game, your kid, your team, etc.....
Even if it does gets twisted sometimes!

When you access this site and are finished catching up on all the latest and not so greatest,
does it really impact your life that much? Perspective Folks.
Don't let me down Obamabots! <<------ I feel I need to specify this last statement is a joke.
This my point also on the last thread I was on. I don't hide my name and I don't like Coach bashing. There was one when I posted last which was my son. No matter how anyone feels about this Coach he does his job. Even, no matter where he's at. Now there is another Coach going on in another thread that is being bashed. It's ok to be funny but to not sink and bury anyone including Coach's. I do know what Coach's go through, I know the holidays a Coach can't be with their family while studying films and planning. I know what it
is for a Coach to win or lose. So no matter who you want to have fun with don't include your Coach's.
MelaniB":10xbfl15 said:
This my point also on the last thread I was on. I don't hide my name and I don't like Coach bashing. There was one when I posted last which was my son. No matter how anyone feels about this Coach he does his job. Even, no matter where he's at. Now there is another Coach going on in another thread that is being bashed. It's ok to be funny but to not sink and bury anyone including Coach's. I do know what Coach's go through, I know the holidays a Coach can't be with their family while studying films and planning. I know what is is for a Coach to win or lose. So no matter who you want to have fun with don't include your Coach's.

Hijacker! :)

I think your son is hands down the best coach currently in all of six-man football. Maybe even the best ever. There are many good ones, but he gets my vote for best. I suspect lots of people feel the same way. Keep in mind, the percentage that you are hearing from and getting your collar wrinkled about would be a very small percentage. They just stand out to you, as they should. Moms are passionate about their kids. I think I said that before? On a personal side, I suspect he is as good a fellow as he is a coach. I just don't know him so that's all I got there. One more thing, I am pulling for RS to do the astonishing, win another State Championship!
Way too many folks that don't have a clue what it's like to handle the pressures of coaching want to weigh in on every aspect, especially when the wins aren't plentiful. Used to be that people weren't so willing to do that publicly, but with the anonymity of message boards, some people got a lot braver.

I don't always agree with people like rainjacktx, but at least people know who he is, which lends a little more credibility..if that's the right his posts. I seldom post anymore, except to seek info or correct inaccuracies.
SimplyPut and Sixmansam, If I remember right I appreciate your kind words. With Rainjacktx I should of read a few more of his post then I would of known that he was a board entertainer. But I know these Coach's, ALL are in there to see their kids win and if not win you teach them to accept life and Congratulate them on giving their hearts in the game. Then to have your own people put you down makes me sick. I do know what you Coach's go through and I know your a big inspiration to your kids. On another thread we have another person (I believe from their town) running down the Coach of Cherokee. Nothing but the same thing with my son but in a nicer way. I want Grangers Board to stay funny and people have a ball with each other. I've had Ex Coach's laugh me under the table and I loved everyone of them and still do. But an attack on a Coach is carrying things way too far. They work their tails off. They don't want the kids or parents to see a loss. They want to be loved by the people in the town who will be his back up and fans. To teach their kids life. I'm sure a lot of the football kids come to all the Coach's wanting advice whether it be football or life. They are there for your kids. They study hard for the games. Then they plan for the game, then feel horrible thinking they let the kids down because they didn't win. Man these guys give there all. They need our support and to stand beside them all the way. Maybe if that was happening there would be some State Champions. Thank you to the wonderful guys that didn't judge my son. He is gonna kill me but when your kid is hurt you get hurt. I took a lot off the Gordan Thread and cried. Like I said it hurt our family and especially his wife and kids. Like I said I want everyone to have fun like we use to but make sure you don't want someone saying something horrible about you and the entire crowd following. It would be fun to see that happen again. Love to all of you.

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