New season new Team

ya the olws have this district no problem groom is in trouble with leader ship with ther spreadback leaving who led the team and Happy well no luck last year and none this year. Plus Happy lost there number one fan
For week one prediction I see Lefors beating the olws by 24 pts. 42-18. Olws win there district but have a weak district and this is probly the game we see first round of playoffs with Miami taking the other district Lefors taking 2nd.
i just don't see the pirates giving the owls any trouble.. hedley returns their entire O line, their quarterback, their fullback, and a tailback that shared time.. On defense they bring back an honorable mention all state defensive end, return their noseguard, and they return a starting linebacker and safety.. I think lefors will be about the same team as last year.. granted they beat the owls by 6, hedley's quarterback only played about 5 minutes of the game before recieving a concussion.
I did not know the Olws had so much coming back but I know the tailback who left made 75% of the Olws offense last year and we both know that a QB in sixman is not a big deal in less your playing spread offense but with this new info I pick Lefors by 10. 32-22
well i see hedley winning because their fullback is a beast Ive seen him play last scrimmage and im telling you its gonna be hard to take him down and i think a quarter back does matter when you take your best running back to replace the quarterback I see the owls winning by 24 pts
I know copland was the tailback and i do not remember the olws making him the QB and he was the best last year on the offense. If this new FB is so good where was he last year when lefors played also 24 pts is a big spread for to team who have not proven there good or bad and both not losing key players other then copland lefors lost nothing to impressive.
i think hedleys new teams weakness is there depth.. at lefors they got really tired playing only few players on both sides of the ball i think they were up by a lot close to the half and then fell apart.. as long as the owls stay strong and stay away from injuries i think they can be a big threat in the post season.. if things work out the way i think they can.. i see a upset in the second round over miami.. the owls are still young despite anything they lost more than just copelin he was a huge part but they lost tons of strength on defense and still need inprovement on both sides of the ball
Both teams played well both teams out of shape but at half it is was one touchdown in sixman that is not a big deal. I do not see why you think they will be in the second round of playoffs when they will meet Lefors first round who won by 17 pts. would have been 23 (should have kept my first score pick) if you take the 1 second touchdown away first must look at upsetting Lefors and even if that happens will not see miami till round 3 looking at a lot of upsets to get far in the playoffs for the olws.
I really dont see lefors as an upset both teams match up decent i still feal Hedley should have won they had many mistakes if they can fix those mistakes i see them atleast advancing past the first round but it will take a lot of work.. who would they play in the playoffs after lefors if they beat them.. Also there is a whole season ahead!!! Im really excited to see how it all works out if miami can keep smith healthy they can be dang good but at the scrimmage at hedley he tweeked it a lil and didnt end up playin much.. i wasnt inpressed with miami a whole lot.. i dont know if i can call them a GREAT team rite now.. i would call them pretty good..
The second round of playoffs for districts 1 and 2 is one of 4 teams from districts 3 and 4. Lefors had mistakes too such as one of the starting players being thrown out first game both teams will improve should make a good first round game.