Montana opening


11-man fan
It has been a couple of years, but I will give this a try again.

Lima, MT has an opening for a science/vo-ag teacher. There are numerous coaching positions that are also available. Football head and assistant coach, Girls Basketball head and assistant coach, and possibly a track position as well.

Lima is a little mountain town of 300 on I-15 about 100 miles south of Butte, MT and 100 miles north of Idaho Falls, ID. We are inordantly proud of our highschool even though there are only 25 kids. We have played 6-man for 10-12yrs now, and have made the playoffs the last 3yrs straight. Our football field is at 6200ft in elevation and just across the interstate the Lima Peaks soar to almost 11000ft. Hunting and fishing is world-class (elk, moose, mule deer, and whitetail are often spotted from town), Yellowstone National Park is just 60 miles away as the crow flies, and there are literally miles of backcountry that is public land to be explored.

Weather is very different up here. No tornadoes, a 90 degree day is considered a hot day, and we can have snow any month of the year. The pay might not be what it is in Texas, but it is alot cheaper to live in Montana. Houses are usually availble under $100 grand, you have plenty of wild game meat to eat, even heating is cheaper as most of us just cut the firewood off the Nat'l Forest. The gas prices do bite us a little harder as it is 40 miles to the grocery store and 100 miles to the nearest Wal-Mart.

Interested? The vacancy should be listed on the Montana Office of Public Instruction website or contact the Lima Schools at 406-276-3571.
Canadians are welcome as long as they can teach US science ;-) Don't want none of that socialized, watered-down, north of the border science.

As far as cheaper... I got a college buddy from Houston who was stunned to find homes in Missoula (MT hippy town) that were under 100 grand. I got the impression that most of the decent houses around him were going for around $200 grand and that was nothing fancy. As long as you don't want an big chunk of ground, housing is pretty reasonable up here. Summers are livable so you don't need AC and fans run pretty cheap. Sure you need heat most of the winter, but it is a cheap trade-off if you use wood heat. Whatever you do, don't go out and get some wild jacked up 4x4 truck with big tires. They look really funny running down the interstate 40 miles to the grocery store and they get terrible gas mileage. Just get an old beater truck to go to the hills for hunting, fishing, and getting firewood then get momma a minivan or something economical. I have a 1993 chevy and I only groan every time one of my "woodpackers" rolls a block of wood into the side of it.

It might cost a little more to license a vehicle in MT versus TX, but remember MT is one of only a couple of states left that has NO sales tax. Yep, that's right the price they advertise is what you pay! Add that up over a year. Fresh veggies are more expensive, but with Idaho just 20 miles away you have all the cheap potatoes you need to go along with the venison. Gardens don't grow so good in Lima, but occasionally we can get a crop of leaf lettuce or some peas inbetween frosts (it was 26 degrees this morning with a 1/2 inch of snow on the deck, but by afternoon was a comfortable 55).

Now don't think that we are isolated. Lima has highspeed internet access (Netflix is great), I watch all the TV that anyone else watches via satellite, and we have a cellphone tower right here in town.
If you house shop around the Sixman world in Texas, you migh be hardpressed to find housing over $100k. If you find any at all that is............