

11-man fan
im new to this and have been following sixman for several years mostly tapps due to the fact that uil teams play in small towns and i live in houston so the 6 man game around hear is private schools.

two teams id love to see is livingstones. theyve been rolling through every oppenent andbut have yet to move up in the rankings i dont think there better but there pretty well matched with pine drive. a buddy of mine took me to one of there games, not great size but man those boys are disciplined some of the best defense ive ever seen in the game, pd is slightly better id say but id still love to see the matchup with lscs. there best bet is to give up the ball to brian urlacher and let him run cause i dont see the spread working for stones, from what ive seen the spread has failed for everyteam whos tried it against pd.
hope to hear some input i think lscs is top 5!
i doubt it, hes to slow to get that many tackles in 6 man. ive seen a recent post talking about the 41 tackles im assuming it was him. im not a stat expert but its not hard, if its a solid hit that brings the ball carriar down with no one near its a solo tackle, if its a gang tackle usually its point .5 for solid contact, and .5 for the one who brings him down. i know sometimes its hard to distuingish but for a coach to reward a tackler that many is just uncalled for, not trying to call out the coach but boosting the stats maybe?yes i think so. anyway a little off topic but yeah lscs defense is ALOT weaker i see pd grinding it out four qaurters win by 20
Well for those who want to know it was not "brian urlacher" who had the 41 tackles it was the safety number 14 and yes, number 14 is fast enough to make that many tackles. Clear lake christian ran nearly 80 something plays to LSCS's 30 and I would say that 14 was in on 90% of those stops so I don't think that the stats were boosted at all. Like it was said in another post that it is hard to keep stats like that even when you watch the game film over and over and just not enough time to do that.
involvment in 90 percent does not mean 41 talckles, maybe 21 with 20 assisted to total 41, it is hard to see who actually made the tackles without game film but again off topic.aapreciate the input good sir
Your welcome and that is how we came up with it he had a lot of solo and a ton of assisted I would say he was in on almost every play! Clear lake only threw the ball twice the whole game was really easy to read! But had really big kids up front that were really good at blocking they would nickel and dime every play! Great attitudes as well and I wish them luck this season!
If I were a coach at either school,
I'd have my focus on this weeks opponents, Logos Prep & Brazosport Chr.

Both teams have 3 weeks, so y are we talking about this game now....
Let's see if both come in undefeated.. Until then lets play out the weeks because you never know who will sneak up on ya and beat ya...

And I know of 3 (maybe 4) teams that can beat these two on any given night...

1. Fredericksburg heritage
2. SE Town East
3. Boerne Geneva
4. POSSIBLY Denton Calvary / Brownwood Victory Life
Wonder Dog":z32vgxlz said:
If I were a coach at either school,
I'd have my focus on this weeks opponents, Logos Prep & Brazosport Chr.

Both teams have 3 weeks, so y are we talking about this game now....
Let's see if both come in undefeated.. Until then lets play out the weeks because you never know who will sneak up on ya and beat ya...

And I know of 3 (maybe 4) teams that can beat these two on any given night...

1. Fredericksburg heritage
2. SE Town East
3. Boerne Geneva
4. POSSIBLY Denton Calvary / Brownwood Victory Life

well its a good thing none of us are playing and dont have to focus on a particular game and get to talk about all this shoulda/coulda/woulda stuff!!! although i do agree with your post
Holy Cow....

Just think if the following WOULD happen,

WEEK 6 could be a GIA-NORMOUS week.
Friday, Oct. 7 would have two great games.

Brownwood Victory Life @ Denton Calvary.... Both could be undefeated
Dickinson Pine Drive @ Alvin Living Stones.... Both could be undefeated

I'm sure hoping ALL these guys stay undefeated until then......
But at the end of the day, ONE OF THEM WILL HAVE TO FACE FREDDY for all the marbles...

interesting to see who wins.... Any opinions, even though it's only week 3
im just trying to get opinions i dont see neither team loseing any time soon until they meet. anything can happen, true. if my memory serves me correct a few years ago lscs was expected to get 45d by brehnam but lscs ended up leading 2nd half i think the score ended 21to 50 at the end. i wasnt their but i heard it was great defense and lscs had a shifty little spreadback who went on to play ball somewhere else? thats the same year duncanville won state by beating brenham who 45d tyler street and tyler street 45d duncanville. i think this year we will see true champions! lscs and pine drive will battle it out in my opinion but yeah i see freddy takeing state those boys are good. very good. i love the competition this year i tell you, this year its truely hard to say whos gonna win the big one
Wonder Dog- are you suggesting District III will hold three of the four semi-final spots? While that would be an incredible feat for District III, it ain't gonna happen. At least one, maybe two, of those teams listed won't make it past the second round.

In my opinion, defense wins Championships. While, this year, there seems to be plenty of offensive power, if you don't shut down your opponent in November you won't be playing in December.

I SAID, THESE 3 TEAMS (possibly 4) CAN BEAT YOU (pine drive & living stones) ON ANY GIVEN NIGHT...

1. Freddy
2. SA Town East
3. Boerne Geneva
4. Possibly Brownwood Victory Life & Denton Calvary



Now if you want my picks for the State Title game....
BEST GAME WILL BE.... now this game may not happen, but it would be a great game to watch...
Pine Drive (white-visitor) vs. Fredericksburg Heritage (green-home)

finally saw game filme of pine drive vs. tyler street and Pine Drive's WHITE UNI's are SICK/TIGHT... Meaning they look GOOD... Very nice UNI's PD...
I know tyler street is down, but pine drive's defense looks good

Yes I do agree, those white uni's are pretty nice aren't they.....
Our home green are nice as well but the away uni's look the best...

PD went all out this year and got new Away & Home Uni's (tops and bottoms) for the team...
Y'all need to lighten up. I guess I hit a sensitive nerve. My question was of the rhetorical kind- you know, the kind that make you go hmmmm... Like, "Wouldn't it be wild if District III had three of four semi-final spots?" Then I simply stated my opinion. Even said so. Isn't that what this site is all about? And pryde, I have seen all but one of the teams being discussed. The season is too young yet to see which team(s) will have good defenses. I still stand by my OPINION that Defense Wins Championships.
Box Dad":1q545lou said:
I'm going to put it out there, call me a pot stirrer, but I totally agree, Pine Drive has a very nice uniform!

Haha u haven't seen our new socks. It really ties it together.

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