Let's see how this plays out this year in the 6 man playoffs

justobserving":zdzf1zzi said:
OFB - Don't know and really don't want to go back into the records to find the minuscule number of times it has happened. Miracles happen and good teams have advanced from the second place position - no argument. But what is the %age.

So you are making an argument, using a "fact", and unwilling to show us the stats to back it up?!?

When did you get hired to work for the Obama administration, JO? That's the sort of stuff we see on MSNBC.
justobserving":1gid7bpf said:
Sorry about your BS meter. But obviously you have never been in the dressing room and had to deal with a bunch of kids who are just totally outmatched. I was the Head Coach of a team that played in a District one year that had #1 - #2 - #4 and I believe #8 in the state all in one district. We were ranked int the bottom 10% in Class 1A eleven man. Had to play all of these teams knowing what was going to happen and this was in the regular season.

I was one of those kids on one of those teams. I remember well going out there suited up with seven other guys and playing teams that we couldn't hang with. We never sniffed the playoffs, and didn't deserve to. Some of those teams in our district made some good playoff runs. It didn't stop me from sticking my head in there and giving it my best shot.

Looking back on it, I'd have loved to have won a few more games and made it to a bi-district game. Probably would have drawn Ft. Hancock in the first round. Would have loved to have had the opportunity to take a shot at 'em.
justobserving":a7xkh8a5 said:
Yes it is about the kids ... nobody said anything about children, these are young men but it is still their overseers charge to see to their safety.

I have heard six man coaches state if they could - in good conscience - and without repercussions - just cancel a game to keep their kids from getting hurt when playing a much superior opponent. Of course they would never do that but their concern and thoughts are in the right place for wanting to protect their players.


If these coaches you speak of really feel that their kids are in serious physical danger, and allow those kids to play any way, they are on seriously shaky moral ground. I kind of have a hard time buying that statement.
Elmo":1ztycj3h said:
I don't think it about the money in 6-man or 11-man

It is about participating in sports and any type of activity band, cheer squads etc. Maybe in our days winning was the main thing taught. Not now days! You can be sucessful at anything as long as you work hard and remember the things you failed at during your endeavor. To limit the number of teams would only hurt small town kids to the exposure of playoff atmosphere and out of town families from joining them. Does it water down the system (yep) , but have you ever betted on a long shot? Have you watch teams improve during the year? You can not teach moral lessons with no paticipation. So let them play, heck add more teams give out medals for just competing. This world changes daily. Common mistakes we make as the older and wiser folks, is we try limit the younger generation from there failures we try to protect them against a tears.

Hope I shead some light into your dark thread of competition in sports. The fat and slow kid can't always win, but until you prove to him he thinks he can like the tortoice.

Dr.Phill will be back tomorrow to reply but until then (JO) good points.

I know I said I was out but I just couldn't let this go. Tried for 6 hours or so - I lost my battle. Attitudes like the red highlighted statement to my way of thinking has led us to where we are today in a lot of things. It is o.k. to be second if you try, just be proud of your effort that is good enough. Horse feathers in my thinking. This value system has given us no score keeping in ball games to spare one's feelings, to no strike outs, to no outs in baseball games. I love the one where if you strike out you run the bases anyway while everyone claps and cheers. Everyone gets a medal, no winner or loser of a division in youth basketball leagues and every team gets a trophy. Coed sports where rules are bent to allow the mixing of the sexes to make it fair for all. Being older and wiser we should see the damage this kind of thinking does not encourage it. So let's just give everyone a $150,000 a year job no matter what they do or how they perform and call it good. Oh wait a minute isn't our government trying to do that on a smaller pay scale than that right now.

I love your tortoise example. Guess what - some guys are tortoises and no amount of feel good is gonna make that different. If your fat and slow your gonna come in second. So what are you gonna do to change the fact the fat kid is slow. In our day and age now we just tell everyone else to slow down so he won't be embarrassed. We are now supposed tell him it is ok to be second while we pat him on the back and smile or should we instead have him in situations so he can strive to be first and better himself in the process and have to learn to deal with it guidance and support ? Maybe then he can learn the lessons of work and persevering and then he can choose a path where he can work to be a #1. Yes losing serves it's purpose and that I understand. But intentionally putting the tortoise in an unecessary race with a greyhound knowing the outcome serves a purpose for no one.

I am sorry the value system that we had "in the old days" to me just serves youth better than all of this feel good crap. I look around and see a lot of mediocrity and that seems to be o.k.

Not trying to limit their failures. I just think putting them in impossible situations to just participate to learn a moral lesson is a reach. I really like the idea of the families being involved in the playoff participation fiasco. Like I said I know they just love watching Little Timmy getting pounded.

We need to remember this thread was focusing on the mismatches of first round games - not the yearly schedule.

kbjoe1":1ztycj3h said:
i just wonder since it gives him the red ass why watch,,,, go watch round ball etc

You know kbjoe1 - I don't go watch these first round games involving these lopsided pairings. But I do attend a potentially well matched playoff game every chance I get - the don't give me the red azz at all.


OFB - you can have a hard time buying it but I have heard it uttered ( this year as a matter of fact ). Thing is - the team is on the schedule and you play. The game when I was coaching where were about to play against the #1 team in the state - I said it, my assistants said it and the Supt. said it. Of course we played. Survived without serious injury, not without several injuries, but we lived although we had a real problem with getting half the team on the field Monday and fielding a team on Friday. We were physically beaten to a pulp. Proud of those kids as any bunch I ever coached but surely to this day I wish we could have avoided it.

rainjax":1ztycj3h said:
Ironically, JO starts this thread, and there will be a district runner-up guaranteed to make the Region I finals.

Just saying'.

Yep Jax - part of that 14% … just saying'.

Gone again ….. I apologize for jumping back in after I said I was out.
Don't you think, a "I am proud of you, You tried your hardest and did your best" is merited by every player who puts forth effort? It is NOT all about winning, it is about dedication, practice, and effort.
I can see both sides of the coin. No one wants to see a blowout in the playoffs, but would taking on the 1st place team stop it from happening? I think not! There will always be lopsided matchups.
I don't think everyone should get a trophy to keep from hurting feelings. However, I do think the young men that suit up and play every game, knowing they will probably lose, deserve respect. These young men show the will and determination it takes to succeed in life. I commend them for their efforts and refuse to put them down in any way.
Every once in a while there are two or more tough teams in a district. The second place team is better than the majority of first place teams. Not often, but every once in a while. There is absolutely not one thing wrong with taking two teams to the playoffs. There is, however, something wrong with having three and four team districts. Half the teams in a district are usually not that good. Make six or eight team districts and then you will have something.
at least if 2 are making the playoffs then the kids that worked so hard all year they might be able to participate in the playoff system. i want to know why any of this bothers any one so it takes a week more time. the chances of getting hurt doesnt go up because its play offs they might have to play one or more in their own district.....if you just cant stand it stay home im sure no one will miss you .... i know the kids that are dreaming of making it to the next round would invite you to stay home. sterling city has a very good team they got second in their district but not before giving the #1 team in the state a run for their money, they didnt win in the 1st round they had some kids get banged up but the others that were on the field gave it all they had. did they deserve to have the chance? you dang right they did......
It is o.k. to be second if you try, just be proud of your effort that is good enough. Horse feathers in my thinking. This value system has given us no score keeping in ball games to spare one's feelings, to no strike outs, to no outs in baseball games. I love the one where if you strike out you run the bases anyway while everyone claps and cheers. Everyone gets a medal, no winner or loser of a division in youth basketball leagues and every team gets a trophy. Coed sports where rules are bent to allow the mixing of the sexes to make it fair for all.

so now being second in your mind is the same as a participation ribbon,,,,, are you for real
Are you people for real?(KBJOE1) you're mixing youth sports with teen sports! it's ok to pass out ribbons or medals, it's ok to strike out and run the base path. Are you the same people that cut me off on the highways just to get to your exit? Being first at the youth level means nothing! And you are teaching values of competition and socialize our youth. Would you rather a kid have a bad experience and drop out of sports? I would bet during your youth you earn a ribbon or medal for competition also during _PE feild day<-(for the older folk). When you get older things become tuff. No one gets large paychecks unless you earn it(JO). This thread was about mis-matches first round. Would you rather have Byes? I watch a game first round game Oakmont 110 VS Fannindel 64 the toy had it a 45er and it was. Old school attitude never give up by Fannindel just a example of first round games. So if i sat on my ace and not go, I would not had seen
a game in the 100's my first.I'm sure Fannindel took lesson from the loss, learning from failure.

If we fail we learn from our mistakes hopefully. You guys are all about football being life. Football teaches us Life is full of ups & downs. So go play the percentage game. You might be the underdog that wins. And we all like underdogs right unless your team is the favorite.
My son is on jv, he makes every practice, every game watchs film. Will he play friday night? No, But , I teach him that in life every thing is not just handed to you, you have to earn it and pay your dues. LIFE'S NOT EASY AND NEITHER IS FOOTBALL! But I remember when only 1 team from each district went on to playoffs.We were 2nd in79 and we were a better team than most in the playoffs that year. Do I want someone to hand me a trophy NO because I did'nt earn it! But 2 teams need to go to playoffs thats all I'm sayin. I need a nap now !
elmo i pulled that info from the red one..... and no i dont that was my missed point

dirt i agree 78 was the year for us but that was the way the playoffs were set and no i didnt want a second place trophy but if i could have i would have liked the chance to see if we could have extended our 8-2 season.... if red is correct they almost never win what was the cost ????? 1 week and most all the district had a good practice since second place is of limited skill and talent...
oakwoodalumni56":u81m56ca said:
am i the only one that noticed that there were only stats givin for 15 districts in d1 when there ar 16 this year?
Are you the "ONLY" one who didn't notice that the whole thread and post was prefaced with the note the Gordon/Zephyr game wasn't included. ?

Therefore just 15. That would be ....... 16 Bi District Games to be played - 1 Bi District Game that had not been played = 15 Bi District Games used for the stats .... It's called Math ....
justobserving":2pxh6fwv said:
oakwoodalumni56":2pxh6fwv said:
am i the only one that noticed that there were only stats givin for 15 districts in d1 when there ar 16 this year?
Are you the "ONLY" one who didn't notice that the whole thread and post was prefaced with the note the Gordon/Zephyr game wasn't included. ?

Therefore just 15. That would be ....... 16 Bi District Games to be played - 1 Bi District Game that had not been played = 15 Bi District Games used for the stats .... It's called Math ....
Or arithmetic, or cypherin.

You Jethro you....
I LOL a little bit every time JO says he's leaving a thread, then comes back. Then comes back again. Then comes back one more time just to let everyone know he's really leaving.

Just making an observation. Because that's what I do. Observational comedy. Yep.
rainjacktx":2vzhx16v said:
I LOL a little bit every time JO says he's leaving a thread, then comes back. Then comes back again. Then comes back one more time just to let everyone know he's really leaving.

Just making an observation. Because that's what I do. Observational comedy. Yep.
Yep - your right - but not commenting on the content ... just being an observer of the pool of knowledge coming my way ...
So, we all agree to disagree on sports talk. Boards are places where opinion are made, and assuming we know something about the substance at hand. I poke the (JO) back into this
subject of his creation. And boldly he reply with a novel of his monotonous jarcon. Now where do we go, where do we go from here(sorry for that). Two teams are needed I believe, and more schools & students benefit from this. To say (JO) is wrong his opinion matters too. Am i cruel to call him selfish ( yep). Youth sports i made my point, COED sports i played and like. Bend the rules get people and kids outside and out of the house off PC. So in conclusion take a walk go fishing & hunting take a kid or young adult with you. Life has it's ups and downs, roll with the punches, life is short and most of us are running out of time to compete.