Let's see how this plays out this year in the 6 man playoffs

kbjoe1":2ozst55r said:
they want to have a play off system and dont care what you want one team or not... i
justobserving":2ozst55r said:
…. I know it isn't going to be changed - I just hope it doesn't get worse with the 3 team format. …

That I understand … but on the flip side, that reality just doesn't make a really poorly conceived and implemented system any better in my mind.
How many times have 1 & 2 out of a district met in the third round, (Regional Championship), round of the playoffs? I know it happened a few years ago with Sands and BC. I wonder how often it happens.
justobserving":3ad6gq22 said:
Several guys have eluded to 7-8 team districts. To me this sounds good on the surface but what does that involve with travel and then trying to schedule non district games that aren't 300 miles away ?

Hey dadgumit, we live in a nation that just give a failed president a second term. Lets not let reality get in the way of things.
In some sense the top three teams from a district turns out well and in another a One team champ turns out good also. It is sad to see when a districts #3 seed such as the old Garden City,Rankin, Ft.Davis miss the playoffs and teams that they have beaten or even 45'd make the playoffs. I can remember a few years back Rankin beat Sierra Blanca by mercy rule, Sierra made the playoffs with something like 3 wins, and Rankin missed the playoffs loosing three games to top 10 teams, one being the state champ Bearkats. So maybe some other strength of schedule playoff system would spark interests???
Old_dirty_D":2396422o said:
So maybe some other strength of schedule playoff system would spark interests???

This is a nightmare. We did it in Colorado with power points - I was in a geographically isolated area so no one would play my school. The only way to make sure everyone has an equitable shot at a strength in schedule is a state mandated master schedule. How would places like Marfa have a chance at a solid strength of schedule when they're isolated geographically? Sometimes you work your tail off and get beat or don't make the playoffs, while a team or teams you did beat make the post season - that's life. What we've got is a good thing, however I do miss the bigger districts.
From the outside looking in, I want to remind you all, (Not just in sixman football) but last year, Stamford placed third in their district, then went on to play in the State Championship game, which they lost, but did revenge the loss of two district opponets on their way to the state game. Bandera Texas won the state Championship back in 2001, after placing third in their District.

Do not count out the 2nd place teams. Sixman just goes two deep, and I honestly believe its a good system.
TxGunSlinger":3rxrwzkb said:
From the outside looking in, I want to remind you all, (Not just in sixman football) but last year, Stamford placed third in their district, then went on to play in the State Championship game, which they lost, but did revenge the loss of two district opponets on their way to the state game. Bandera Texas won the state Championship back in 2001, after placing third in their District.

Do not count out the 2nd place teams. Sixman just goes two deep, and I honestly believe its a good system.

You are missing the point of the thread. No one is discounting the 2nd and 3rd and some cases 4th place teams. Still does not offset the hugely lopsided amount of less than worthy of being in the playoff teams.

There is always going to be the team that "shoulda" been there. But because of the bounce of the ball, an injury, a timely penalty or bad coaching decision just doesn't make it. Thankfully there is next year for these guys.
justobserving":j895jqzg said:
There is always going to be the team that "shoulda" been there. But because of the bounce of the ball, an injury, a timely penalty or bad coaching decision just doesn't make it. Thankfully there is next year for these guys.
Don't forget the Seniors. They're done.
olderelk":2h9nlp87 said:
justobserving":2h9nlp87 said:
There is always going to be the team that "shoulda" been there. But because of the bounce of the ball, an injury, a timely penalty or bad coaching decision just doesn't make it. Thankfully there is next year for these guys.
Don't forget the Seniors. They're done.

Yep - when you graduate your done. No way around it. If you win you keep playing if you don't you don't. Same for the One Act Play, Band, UIL and all other endeavors. Such is life and learning to deal with it in a mature and adult manner. It is called learning.
amount of less than worthy of being in the playoff teams.

Next year in 11 man there might be 4 teams from each district make the playoffs.
What wrong with the examples given, where someone can win without being the #1 team to win district.

Are you mad about your experience of playoffs???
Mister red pen!

it helps all: towns, parents, kids
just not you! selfish eh
justobserving":2b50d3q9 said:
olderelk":2b50d3q9 said:
justobserving":2b50d3q9 said:
There is always going to be the team that "shoulda" been there. But because of the bounce of the ball, an injury, a timely penalty or bad coaching decision just doesn't make it. Thankfully there is next year for these guys.
Don't forget the Seniors. They're done.

Yep - when you graduate your done. No way around it. If you win you keep playing if you don't you don't. Same for the One Act Play, Band, UIL and all other endeavors. Such is life and learning to deal with it in a mature and adult manner. It is called learning.
Can't say I disagree with that. I was trying to focus on the "Thankfully there is next year for these guys." part of the statement.
There isn't a next year (at least at this level) for the Seniors.
Elmo":aq0nlym9 said:
amount of less than worthy of being in the playoff teams.

Next year in 11 man there might be 4 teams from each district make the playoffs.
What wrong with the examples given, where someone can win without being the #1 team to win district.

Are you mad about your experience of playoffs??? Mister red pen!

it helps all: towns, parents, kids just not you! selfish eh

No I did not have a bad playoff experience.

Elmo as long as you have been around you should know I come at this from a Stats and Facts point of view. I have been there, left out of the playoffs, because my team didn't win and I have been in the playoffs because they did. Experienced as a player, coach and home town supporter.

And I am sorry it does not help everybody. As a player and as a knowledgable spectator you know whether or not you belong in the playoffs. Going in as weak second place team to face a sure 45 point or more loss you know you don't belong there. There is no pride of achievement in a " gimmie berth " in the playoffs. What are we teaching kids when all you have to do is come in second to be successful. Sorry I just don't believe teaching kids 2nd is good enough is a valid lesson. Especially when the lesson is going to get you humiliated in the process.

Alas maybe I take and took losing way too serious and personal. But I was taught the ultimate goal of efforts was to win - not to just be a participant.

I have yet to figure out the REAL reason behind this reasoning for this playoff structure in six man football. Might be legitimate ( don't really think so ) for the higher level divisions for money generated for the UIL but not for six man. Too much gap in ability between District Champions and Runners Up in the overwhelming majority of match ups in the six man realm. This fact is backed up by this years stats.

I am sure it is just a blast for Mom - Dad - Grandma - Grandpa - Aunts and Uncles to travel to watch "Little Timmy's " District Runner Up team get pounded and embarrassed in a game he never should have been in. So who is that good for ?? I am sure "Little Timmy" had a great time.

Nothing is wrong with someone who doesn't win the district being successful - I just disagree with the vehicle in place that even makes it possible.

If this is all about money -- shame on those who facilitate and perpetuate the system but it sure can't be about the kids the way it plays out now is the six man world.

Maybe I am selfish, I want it to be for the good of the kids not to their detrement.
JO, two points.

1. You never answered my question. How many times have two teams from the same district played for the regional championship since they started taking two teams?

2. Whenever someone goes to telling my how they want to make changes and then tells me that the changes have to be made "for the children," my BS meter goes off. If a 45 point game is a reason to not play a playoff game, what about the regular season? Lots of 45 point games there. Maybe we ought to let Granger's toy pick all the games and never let kids hit the field. After all, that would be safest for the children.
oldfat&bald":21tvnv9l said:
How many times have two teams from the same district played for the regional championship since they started taking two teams?.
1 example - 2010 Aquilla is 2nd seed, Penelope 1st. Aquilla wins quarterfinal rematch.
I don't think there is such a thing as a "gimmie birth" in the playoffs. UIL said that you take the top two teams from each district, and that's what everyone started doing.

We've been playing under this 2-team rule in 6-man for how long?

And in that time, how many runner-ups have called their first round playoff opponent and said, "you know, seeing as how JO's stats, and odds, and logic all scream that we have absolutely no shot - we're going to forfeit this Friday's game"?

So what if 97.2% of all runners-up get destroyed in the first round? Seems like most of them all show up for the games instead of phoning in a forfeit.

And unless I'm missing a crucial piece of information, My contention is that every single team in the playoffs will lose in except for one.

Like I said before - this is about money. Everyone who makes the playoffs as a runner-up is playing by the rules laid down to them by the UIL. Insulting the teams for being in the playoffs as if they secretly schemed for it accomplishes what?
oldfat&bald":2hxvbv6e said:
JO, two points.

1. You never answered my question. How many times have two teams from the same district played for the regional championship since they started taking two teams?

2. Whenever someone goes to telling my how they want to make changes and then tells me that the changes have to be made "for the children," my BS meter goes off. If a 45 point game is a reason to not play a playoff game, what about the regular season? Lots of 45 point games there. Maybe we ought to let Granger's toy pick all the games and never let kids hit the field. After all, that would be safest for the children.

OFB - Don't know and really don't want to go back into the records to find the minuscule number of times it has happened. Miracles happen and good teams have advanced from the second place position - no argument. But what is the %age.

Sorry about your BS meter. But obviously you have never been in the dressing room and had to deal with a bunch of kids who are just totally outmatched. I was the Head Coach of a team that played in a District one year that had #1 - #2 - #4 and I believe #8 in the state all in one district. We were ranked int the bottom 10% in Class 1A eleven man. Had to play all of these teams knowing what was going to happen and this was in the regular season. We as coaches prepared more so for these games than other and prepared the players - no white flags. So be it ... that is the way it is ... this has to be done ... it is District play. I was in the locker room with 13 kids playing 11 man ball competing against schools fielding above 30 kids and some 50 or more. Physically and talent wise totally outgunned. in every way. There was no hope going in or during these games. This is somewhere you don't want your kids - we were in physical danger playing that year. Yes it is about the kids ... nobody said anything about children, these are young men but it is still their overseers charge to see to their safety.

I have heard six man coaches state if they could - in good conscience - and without repercussions - just cancel a game to keep their kids from getting hurt when playing a much superior opponent. Of course they would never do that but their concern and thoughts are in the right place for wanting to protect their players.

Your "Maybe we ought to let Granger's toy pick all the games and never let kids hit the field. After all, that would be safest for the children." statement is to me the BS and a cop out not addressing the problem ( as I see it ) at hand.


Jax - I understand your sentiment - I am not saying one should give up and call in your forfeit. I know I am on the short end of the stick on this argument. I just don't feel as though as team should be in the position where that would even have to bean alternative call in and say "we have no shot" - white flag - were done - mark your forfeit and have a good next game. No one is going to do that.

I am sorry to disagree though that I do believe a system that allows teams that are far inferior that have almost 0 chance of advancing are given a "gimmie birth". What else can you call it when going into the season you know you are going to have 80% of the teams are more that are at such a far cry from being competitive are going in to the playoffs as a Runner Up entry?

I also know this isn't going to be change anytime in the near, distant or far far future.

Like i have said - if your "this is all about money" is true, for shame. That means it is not about the kids no matter if your #1 .. #2 .. #3 .. or #4.

I am not insulting the teams or saying they secretly schemed to get in - I am just saying why are they put in the position they are put in ? Again if it is for money - that's sad ...

I will sign off on this now... this is a never ending mental and emotional exercise that can't and won't be resolved here. Thanks to everyone for joining in and for eveyone's point of view. If you all wish to continue I will be interested to read any further responses.


Happy and safe playoff traveling to all ....
The 2 team advancing gives more teams something to work for. It gives players hope, even though most of the time 2nd place is 1 and done they still can say they went to the playoffs.If your a senior and have never been to the playoffs and your team is 2nd and is one and done you still can say you went to the playoffs. When I played only 1 team advanced and we were 2nd to Milford my junior and senior year. We would have given anything to go to the playoffs.
I don't think it about the money in 6-man or 11-man

It is about participating in sports and any type of activity band, cheer squads etc. Maybe in our days winning was the main thing taught. Not now days! You can be sucessful at anything as long as you work hard and remember the things you failed at during your endeavor. To limit the number of teams would only hurt small town kids to the exposure of playoff atmosphere and out of town families from joining them. Does it water down the system (yep) , but have you ever betted on a long shot? Have you watch teams improve during the year? You can not teach moral lessons with no paticipation. So let them play, heck add more teams give out medals for just competing. This world changes daily. Common mistakes we make as the older and wiser folks, is we try limit the younger generation from there failures we try to protect them against a tears.

Hope I shead some light into your dark thread of competition in sports. The fat and slow kid can't always win, but until you prove to him he thinks he can like the tortoice.

Dr.Phill will be back tomorrow to reply but until then (JO) good points.