Leman or Cowboy!


11-man fan
Are you guys calling the individual schools to verify enrollment and also inquiring from the borderline schools if they are opting to play 11 or 6?
Munday 104
Mount Enterprise 102
Burton 100
Crosbyton 99
Leakey 93
Springlake-Earth 93
Runge 93
Cross Plains 88
Nueces Canyon 86
Rocksprings 74

via TheOldCoach.com
I know that Mt. Enterprise will only be below 105 for this realignment, and they will be back above the line. Their JH has solid numbers...or so I hear.
The numbers I have gotten are from coaches and what has been posted on this message board.

I have gotten zero word about new schools coming to six-man other than the 3 already playing (White Deer, Gholson, Tioga)...I've been told by someone who would know that Gorman won't play six-man...other than that and what has already been posted about Medina, NC, and Leakey I have no other information as to that topic currently.
Number 6. Sectionf. There will be six (6) Conferences in the following activities: Cross Country, Football, Basketball and
Spring Meet (Academics [including One-Act Play], Golf, Tennis and Track and Field). There will be five
2 (5) Conferences in the following activities: Music, Volleyball, Baseball and Softball. There will be three
(3) Conferences in the following activities: Team Tennis and Soccer. There will be two (2) Conferences in
the following activities: Swimming/Diving and Wrestling.

However, Number 4 says: Schools with an enrollment of 104.9 or lower may choose to participate in Conference A football (six-man football) or may opt to play in Conference AA football (eleven-man football) but remain in Conference A for
other applicable activities (see #6 below).

I got this from the UIL website on realignment for the 2014-16 school years.