Just how far will Zephyr go?

I really do. :-)

Or maybe I really believe My Horns can pull out an upset against Throckmorton. Hmmmmm.

And whether Zephyr plays Throckmorton, Knox City, or Gordon in the first round, i think they will have a hard time beating any of them. Just my not so humble opinion.
I really believe the Zephyr boys enjoy people selling them short. Started preseason with Dave Campbell picking them 3rd in district. Those young men believe and I guess that's all that truly matters.
Im not selling Zephyr short. I think they are one of the top 5 teams in the region. I just happen to think that 3 of the other top 5 are in District 9, and the other two, including Zephyr are in District 10.

AND, my completely biased opinion that is Gordon, which is where I am from, has a great team, and if we don't go to the playoffs, then the 2 teams that beat us must be phenomenol. Not taking anything away from Zephyr at all. Maybe I am the one that should get upset because you are selling Gordon short. hmmmmm, nah, i think i will look at it like it was intended, that you think your team is great.
I haven't mentioned Gordon but they have had a great year. I guess I am just defending the honor of my team.:) No disrespect meant to your team. In fact I will try not to give you any reason to think otherwise. I guess the idea you picked May over Zephyr puzzles me but you do have the right to your opinion. If Gordon does beat Throck, it will truly be a huge game for them. I have my thoughts on that game but will wait for the outcome, no predictions.
"I guess the idea you picked May over Zephyr puzzles me......."

If the stars aligned right and Gordon makes the playoffs, who do you think we would rather have in the first round? So I made my prediction based on what I want to happen, not what I think will actually happen.
Thanks Hornkeeper, by the way Zephyr had 2 starters out. One was one of the two main running backs/ cornerback. He should be back next week.