Ira Bulldogs vs Stamford Bulldogs


Six-man fan
The Ira Bulldogs vs #1 Stamford Bulldogs Regional Semifinals

Game 1 Thursday Snyder Moffett Field 6:00
Game 2 Saturday Snyder Moffett Field 5:30, Game 3 after Game 2 if needed.

Good Luck to the IRA BULLDOGS!!!
Game was played for maybe 15 minutes but was canceled. I have not heard yet when it will be played. Score 0 to 0. Weather was really bad.
Game 1 moved to today at 3:00 in Abilene. We played 1 inning last night. The rest of the series will be played in Snyder tomorrow if the field is stable.

Good Luck IRA, GO GET EM'!!!!
I have not heard of anywhere officially but I'm looking on KVRP 97.1 and they were going to broadcast the game last night live but I'm not sure if they will for today's rescheduled game...
For those interested Anson wins game 1 against Fort Hancock.
Anson 3
Fort Hancock 0

Winner of this series gets the Ira / Stamford winner.
Stamford 7
Ira 2

That's it!!! Great season Ira, what a ride!!! You did something no other team in the state has done so far, gave Stamford 1 loss.
Stamford has an awesome team, good luck the rest of the way.