11-man fan
... wanting to beat a team that beat you is ok... nothing wrong with "we lost last year, we won't this year" but you said your kids were going into that game with a couple of things on their mind... you might want to clarify what those things are next time... one is getting back for a loss.. whats the other one?? do you see what i'm getting at?? i don't know how to explain it any further.. vengeance is a harsh word but your kids have to know that 90 percent of the time, the team they are playing next year is not the same team they lost to this year.. my guys hit hard.. harder than any other team i've seen this year.. but they do it to win that game... they won't hit any team harder than another because of a loss or dirty play the previous year.. get my drift?? i really would like a copy of the game you keep referring to so i can see what you are talking about but if you are complaining about intense collisions being dirty, then i would feel extremely sorry for you if you came further south and saw a game... lol but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt because i haven't seen what you are talking about.. good luck next year and i hope your kids don't walk on that field to do anything but play football...