Hico Six-Man Super Saturday


Six-man expert
From facebook, 5/10/16.


11:00, Bryson vs Walnut Springs

1:30, Abbott vs Millford

4:00, Strawn vs Blum

6:30, Gorman vs Mt. Calm

Just a little over 3 months away!
Excellent lineup. Cowboys vs Hornets, both playoff teams from last year.
Abbott and Milford. State QF match up revisited, including the reigning State Champs.
What do they both bring back?
What do the Bobcat's bring back?
Good question for the Hound's to answer.
Gorman and Mt. Calm, two newer good teams in Sixman,
could go far in years to come (like this one?).
No teams from the west. I guess there are finally enough super Saturdays so that west teams don't have to travel and suffer through the ungodly humidity of Hico anymore.
Yep, Sixman Saturday' s have done got popular to start the season. A good thing for the sport I think.
Regarding the humidity, at least it ain't Houston. You can find shade beneath the Tree beyond the end zone,
under the roof with tables by the bathrooms, with fans. Or, if you can find a spot on the West side below the press box in the late afternoon. But, the best spot is the top row of the West side with a umbrella, a big one.
You get whatever breeze is available there. With one of the new sweat wicking shirt's, short's and sandals, plenty of water and an excellent burger, it's bearable, for Football. It is after all August in Texas.