Gang Activity in Aquilla


Six-man pro
I understand there has been an increase in vehicular crimes in the area. If you put an orange mohawk on these guys wouldn't they remind you of somebody?

Enough of this mindless, inane drivel. There are serious subjects that need discussing on this board.
Throwing darts at a ranking board, indeed. You know the Head Illuminatti draws the teams from a corncob hat.
there's an anniversary
that coincides with the hat
in some way?
That could become an annual tradition.
We can all sit
at our benefactors feet
while he regails us with the telling?
We love traditions!
smokeyjoe53":q3g44z6n said:
I understand there has been an increase in vehicular crimes in the area. If you put an orange mohawk on these guys wouldn't they remind you of somebody?


I think his tail is tad bit shorter