
if freddy does not win state this year ill be even more shocked than i was last year. this team had a lot more talent than they got credit for and they still have most of that talent.
lifegatesports said:
They have enough incoming freshmen to play a JV schedule with a primarily freshman squad. If they can stay healthy (always an issue for small six man), they will be pretty good.

My prediction: They win their district and go deep in the playoffs. A return to the finals isn't out of the question, may depend on the brackets.

Oh, and there's something to be called an intimidation factor. Come playoff time, a lot of schools take those freshmen/JV players, give them a varsity jersey and put them on the playoff roster. All of a sudden, you got thirty kids in pads, helmets, jerseys and football gear on the other sideline. Yeah, it may be the same 10-12 kids playing every down, but there are sure a lot of bodies on that other sideline.

And you feel like David vs. Goliath, with your team reprising the David role.

Except that David had five smooth stones and a killer slingshot.
me and my famly went to the game in fbg friday nite never been 2 a 6 man game b4 wow was exciting we sat on the heritage side and were sitting in front of #7s parents - hierholzer...seems we lucked out his step-dad was real helpful about the rules and man could that kid play. he scored 5 touch downas we enjoyed the game alot looks like we might be going 2 alot more of them games nice 2 see the boys pray together after the game and all 2 every body there seemed real nice and all the mom and dad told me about this site neat

good luck, heritage and God bless
congrads dudes on state win seems I wuz rit about #7 hehehehe :mrgreen: :lol: iz there anyway 2 c the game on here? i will be around 2 c more nezt year will #7 still be around r iz this it fur him? i will say heritige iz a good team hope ya do it nex year 2
2 words:


I know coach Burgy can bring them back from the grave. I mean, if he can do it with a jv basketball team, he can do it with anybody :wink:

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