Fantasy Districts, read and discuss!


11-man fan
Ok so to start I am a sports nerd. I fantasize and play around with the weirdest things with sports (what if NFL was organized by geography not AFC-NFC, 32 team NCAA championships etc). Well with me recently getting back into 6-man football I got another weird idea. What if there was just one division of 6-man? What would they look like? you have it. I worked way harder than I should have on this so please read and discuss what it would be like, what districts would be awesome, which terrible, why it wouldn't work etc.

District 1
Dell City, Sierra Blanca, Balmorhea, Fort Davis, Marfa

District 2
Grandfalls Royalty, Buena Vista, Rankin, Marathon, Sanderson

District 3
Garden City, Grady, Sands, Klondike

District 4
Wellman Union, Loop, Dawson, O'Donnell, Borden County

District 5
Meadow, Ropes, New Home, Wilson, Southland

District 6
Whiteface, Whitharral, Anton, Cotton Center

District 7
Lorenzo, Petersburg, Kress, Happy

District 8
Amherst, Lazbuddie, Hart, Nazareth

District 9
Follett, Higgins, Miami, Fort Elliott

District 10
Lefors, White Deer, Groom, McLean, Hedley

District 11
Silverton, Valley, Motley County, Patton Springs

District 12
Spur, Jayton, Guthrie, Paducah

District 13
Crowell, Chilicothe, Northside, Harrold

District 14
Benjamin, Knox City, Rule, Aspermont, Rotan

District 15
Hermeleigh, Ira, Loraine, Westbrook, Sterling City

District 16
Water Valley, Veribest, Eden, Paint Rock

District 17
Trent, Highland, Blackwell, Robert Lee

District 18
Leuders-Avoca, Paint Creek, Moran, Woodson, Throckmorton

District 19
Panther Creek, Lohn, Santa Anna, Brookesmith

District 20
Rising Star, May, Sidney, Blanket, Zephyr

District 21
Mullin, Richland Springs, Rochelle, Lometa, Cherokee

District 22
Gustine, Lingleville, Strawn, Gordon

District 23
Newcastle, Bryson, Forestburg, Goldburg, Saint Jo

District 24
Irving Universal Academy, Tioga, Savoy, Fannindel, Campbell

District 25
Iredell, Walnut Springs, Morgan, Kopperl

District 26
Blum, Covington, Milford, Avalon

District 27
Penelope, Mt.Calm, Coolidge, Trinidad

District 28
Bloomberg, Union Hill, Karnak, Leverett's Chapel

District 29
Cranfills Gap, Oglesby, Jonesboro, Evant

District 30
Bynum, Abbott, Aquilla, Gholson

District 31
Medina, Prairie Lea, Buckholts, Calvert

District 32
Oakwood, Apple Springs, Chester, High Island

The top 2 teams from every district make the playoffs with playoff groupings being 1 through 4 5 through 8 with 1 winner playing 4 runner up etc. I know it's a goofy and dumb idea but hopefully it gets some thought and discussion on what it would be like to have 1 true champion of 6 man
I like everything about your plan except the 2 teams from each district.......... Just have one winner advance.
Other than that it makes perfect sense which is why the UIofL will never approve...........
I truly wish things were like this no changing dis every two years make it four and it would keep a lot of people who think their D2 team or maybe even D1 team is better than it is. But it does make it hard for teams that can barley put a team together to compete. But not everyone can be a winner.
I'm just all about inclusion with postseason play especially at this age. By my count I think there were 141 six man teams, 64 in playoffs doesn't seem too unfair, and I know some of those districts have two pretty good teams. Also, there would only be one more game for 2 teams than there is right now.
It would be hard to compare that when you have 35 kids tryout versus 8. If that's the case 1a-3a 11 man should play together and 4a-6a. I know like with tioga they are expected to jump from 6man to possibly even 3a but for sure 2a. Why else would you have a big school coach and a couple of his coaching crew move 80 miles away from where they were. All total they had 5 coaches on the sideline. Very good coaches by the way.
We have have this discussion in some iteration every year. It's like me drawing a new wiring pattern for my '73 Super Beetle: sure it's fun to map out and think about - but it ain't ever gonna get past the drawing board.
It will never happen again but I like one state champ in each division...1A-6A. Take 2 teams from each district.

This makes being a playoff team mean something special.

Playoffs game would be very exciting and competitive.
I even think it'd be pretty cool to almost have like a March Madness type layout with "host sites" where all 4 games in that part of the bracket are played in a weekend.

I guess my logic on it is they play inter-division games all season anyway aside from district, why not save some money and time on travel and just have one division?

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