Fajitapete's Top 30 D1 after 6 weeks of play


Six-man fan
Here is Division 1 teams (look cowboyP they made it :) )

1 Ira
2 Water Valley
3 Throckmorton
4 Rankin
5 Borden County
6 Garden City
7 Aquilla
8 Ropes
9 Zephyr
10 Sands
11 Abbott
12 Aspermont
13 Petersburg
14 Crowell
15 Valley
16 Gordon
17 Fort Davis
18 Leveretts Chapel
19 Lometa
20 Follett
21 Klondike
22 Bynum
23 Rochelle
24 Walnut Springs
25 Oakwood
26 Blanket
27 Meadow
28 Irving Universal
29 Spur
30 May
oldfat&bald":3mg6juyu said:
You too Pete. Man, you guys are knuckling under bad this week. Aquilla #7? Really?

It's a purely mathematical calculation considering the delta of the predicted vs actual margin with modifying values awarded in a non-liner curve derived from best fit of a fast Fourier transformation using the inverse for the games I miss.

The fact it works as well as it does is due to the multiple regression I run every 4 weeks on the data set
I was rather pleased to see Granger's poll earlier today. I think Rankin is still a couple of notches over-ranked, but I can live with that.

But I leave this afternoon to see a fall-league basketball game and come home to this? Valley #15? Behind Crowell, Abbott, Sands, Zephyr and GC??????


I don't think your program is capable of righting itself this season. I hacked on hornboy yesterday, but your current offering makes his rankings look good.


Water Valley #2?

At what point do you just stop trying to defend your beginning assumptions and admit it was FUBAR from the outset?
rainjacktx":3o61qcis said:
I was rather pleased to see Granger's poll earlier today. I think Rankin is still a couple of notches over-ranked, but I can live with that.

But I leave this afternoon to see a fall-league basketball game and come home to this? Valley #15? Behind Crowell, Abbott, Sands, Zephyr and GC??????


I don't think your program is capable of righting itself this season. I hacked on hornboy yesterday, but your current offering makes his rankings look good.


Water Valley #2?

At what point do you just stop trying to defend your beginning assumptions and admit it was FUBAR from the outset?

oh my, I never realized you were the paragon of knowledge of all things 6-man why Granger and others even brother? we should sit back and listen to you pontificate on who should be ranked where because without a doubt day in and day out you know it all.

Please oh great and wise one, send me all the corrections so that from this day forward all my picks will 100% correct as with this great knowledge I can not miss.

Plus I'm sure those wrong picks you have made this year was simply an effort to remain humble.

I don't defend s**t, the numbers are what they are, when a team shows they can beat a better ranked team then the rankings will change, Look at Aquilla, in my rankings they moved up after they beat a team that was ranked ahead of them but until they played someone with greater ranking they couldn't move up or the premise of a system is null and void.

Sometimes I wonder if you weren't ate up with the dumba** you could look at rankings with out your VALLEY IS THE BEST goggles and realize there might be better teams out there. Until Valley wins the championship or beats better teams I am happy where they are ranked. In fact I am happy with each and ever value associated with a team.

Because Grangers ratings or any other of the system might not agree with mine doesn't make them wrong, it only means the method of quantification of a team is different then mine. If there was a perfect system we wouldn't need to play all these game, we could just send the championship trophy to the respective school each year and spend our time doing something else.

not that care, I'm just saying
Thanks pete its about time someone agrees that zephyr belongs in the top 10 nobody knows but they are very dangerous when it comes to district and playoffs they have so many weapons such as #2, #10, #27, #7, #23, #11, #6, #30, and some mean kid #18! They have a lot of speed they have at least 3 kids that could possibly the fastest in the state. Also do yall think zephyr will have the heart, desire, talent, and drive to make it to the state semis or possibly the finals?
ZHSFAN2007":2d0vk8gv said:
Thanks pete its about time someone agrees that zephyr belongs in the top 10 nobody knows but they are very dangerous when it comes to district and playoffs they have so many weapons such as #2, #10, #27, #7, #23, #11, #6, #30, and some mean kid #18! They have a lot of speed they have at least 3 kids that could possibly the fastest in the state. Also do yall think zephyr will have the heart, desire, talent, and drive to make it to the state semis or possibly the finals?
Not trying to put zephyr down, but I don't think they can get past Throck, Aquilla, or Abbott.
ZHSFAN2007":1zz6b8z2 said:
Thanks pete its about time someone agrees that zephyr belongs in the top 10 nobody knows but they are very dangerous when it comes to district and playoffs they have so many weapons such as #2, #10, #27, #7, #23, #11, #6, #30, and some mean kid #18! They have a lot of speed they have at least 3 kids that could possibly the fastest in the state. Also do yall think zephyr will have the heart, desire, talent, and drive to make it to the state semis or possibly the finals?

Zepher is without a doubt one of the most improved teams this year. If they get by Robert Lee, which they should, then I see them 9-0 going into the game with May and they should end regular season at 10-0. But it's 6-man and things happen, academics and other things can change the dynamics but right now I see them in the playoffs.

Right now, the two tough games are Robert Lee and May, but I think they can get the job done.
CowboyP":cxgsellr said:
ZHSFAN2007":cxgsellr said:
Thanks pete its about time someone agrees that zephyr belongs in the top 10 nobody knows but they are very dangerous when it comes to district and playoffs they have so many weapons such as #2, #10, #27, #7, #23, #11, #6, #30, and some mean kid #18! They have a lot of speed they have at least 3 kids that could possibly the fastest in the state. Also do yall think zephyr will have the heart, desire, talent, and drive to make it to the state semis or possibly the finals?
Not trying to put zephyr down, but I don't think they can get past Throck, Aquilla, or Abbott.

They will meet them in post season play and those will be great games.

Right now these teams carry a FP rating of

Throck --143.56
Aquilla -- 126.38
Abbot -- 120.30
Zephyr --124.23

we should revisit this situation over the next 4 weeks :)