I hardly ever look at sixmanfootball.com untill about June when things start to slow down for me at work. But, for some reason I decided to take a look and see what was happening with the Coaching shake up and was floored with sadness when I read about Don Hardins passing! I am so very sorry to hear this news. I realize its been a month now but for me it feels like it just happened. I would like to share my Don Hardin story.
I have 2 son's who played 6 man football at McLean, My oldest son Zane was a 4 year starter in basketball but only played football his senior year & graduated in 2005 and went on to college on a basketball scholarship. My younger son Zach played both all 4 years & graduated in 2008. Zach Made (div 2) 1st team All State in football and in basketball his senior year then went on to college on a golf scholarship. Anyway, after McLean got defeated in the playoffs we wanted to go to the playoff games we could make. My son Zach and I traveled to, I think it was Trent, to watch a playoff game. We did't know anyone in the stands. Early December it was cold of course and Zach had on his letter jacket. We hadn't been seated in the stands maybe 2 minuets when a gentleman tapped my son on the shoulder and asked is your name Zach? Yes sir he answered, Well Zach it is an honor to meet you my name is Don Hardin! Don sat down with us and went on to tell Zach about several of the honors Zach and Zane had accumulated through thier high school years he even knew some stats! We talked about specific games and plays! Don Hardin spent the entire game sitting with us and talking 6 man football. Zach and I barely remember the game that night, but, We will never forget meeting and spending a few hours with Don Hardin. We were both blown away by his knowlege of a couple kids who he had never even met. We are so very greatful to have met him! Below is a message we sent each other about our visit...
S M Fan
Bobby Richardson- McLean, Tx.
Subject: wow Wow WOW
Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:05 am
S M Fan wrote:
It was great to actually meet and watch the Follett - Ft. Davis game with the infamous Don Hardin last night. What a great guy! Very friendly and knows his sixman football all across the state. I have been reading your blogs and posts for years. My son Zach and I really enjoyed meeting you and visiting with you. Hope we run into you next week for the state championship. And I hope it is at Lubbock Lowery field. It would be a great location, very nice facility. Once again Mr. Hardin thank you for a nice visit.
S M Fan
Message subject:
Re: wow Wow WOW
Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:30 am
S M Fan
Thanks for the kind words. I have met many fans of the game over the years in situations just like last night. Truly, the pleasure was and is mine. If you would like you can email me anytime at
[email protected]
It may not be this side of Heaven but we will run into each other again somewhere sometime.
Thanks for the visit.
Don Hardin
Abilene, TX