John, thanks for the kind words. My oldest son, Nathan, is playing QB for Pike's Peak Christian and my second oldest son, Matthew, is playing on the middle school team at PPCS. Yes, the weather is cooler, but now I know I have to unpack the long sleeved shirts - 65 degrees and windy yesterday afternoon.
It's worth noting that Coach Miller and the PPCS football team has made it a point to honor Flagler since his death after their game last season. Whenever there is a PPCS team huddle, they break with "Lance" instead of the tradition chant of "Eagles" or other ones. After yesterday's game, there was definitely some emotional folks on both sides of the field.
Six-man football is alive and well in Colorado. Entire communities go to the football games on Friday nights, just like in Texas. Unfortunately, they're missing BBQ places, Dairy Queen and Whataburger on the way home. And there's no 45-point mercy rule - they just go to a running clock to finish the game early. But there are some good teams and great competition here for sure.