Dear Dogfeller


Six-man fan
Dear Dogfeller,

When duz the sick soreness on thiz P90X thing end? I can done handle sore, but sick sore iz gettin' old. I mean, I iz still tryin' to ease into so I don't jest up and quit. I iz doin' the first round jest to break my sorry body in and then foller it up with a second round immediately. Any advice?
Very wise of you coming to me.
Dr. to Dr. as it is.

For us old toots
easing into a good hard workout takes MUUUUUUUUUCH longer.
For boat-oar boys with sorry bods even loooooooooooooooooooooooooonger.
Do level 1 untill you don't feel sick before you move up.
But don't give up!!
You can do it!!!
All redneck boys have a special intrinsic power.

The workout intensity level for HS athletes
is in another galaxy compared to us.
(I have been doing a Biggest Loser DVD for 3 weeks
and just Tues. my R knee swole up for no apparant reason. I had to give it a rest).
More than likely
there are modifications to the exercises
on PX90.
Do them!!!!!!
If not, you need to just be honest
about what you are capable of at this point of time in your life.
Modify the workout to the degree that you feel it but not get sick.
***Chances are that the sick you feel is all the swamp toxins leaching out of you boat oar!**
STAY hydrated AND drink liquids that are said to have flushing properties.
(Sorry pal, Evercleer ain't one of em'!!!)
Don't work yourself sick;
how long can you possibly keep that up?
Do what you can then stop short of breaking your oar.
When he says 5 more, do 1 (or 2) then hold up.
Remember to breath deeply!!!

My goal is to be in better shape by next Aug.
Tell yourself it's not a sprint
it's a marathon you're running for your life.

(How do you hold those exercise bands with your oar?)
jus wondren.
I done appreciate yur response. In fact, I iz shooting fer Aug/Sept as the time that I done will be headed toward fitness. I ain't reely got but bout 20 to lose, but more importantly I done need to git a bit more flexible. And that iz whut I done like bout thiz deal iz the flexerbility aspect of it. As fer the bands on the boat oar, I jest nail it on thare. It iz done hard to do the inverted hurdle stretch with a boat oar. And yew iz rite, I ain't drinkin' enuff water. Part of the problem wuz the fact that I done started feelin' a lil frisky and done tried to done do too much.
If I remember correctly,
my recovery from an episode of evercleer
included a lot of sick-soreness too!!
(Urp slop get the mop.)
After 3 days rest
my knee felt maybe 50% better.
Yesterday and today we went walking.
Almost 1 1/2 mi. each time.
Knee feels 90% good.
Prolly work out tomorrow.

How you comin along,
(not countin' all that ratchet jawin' you doin w/Rjac.)?
Goob, go to a healthfood place or GNC and get a Branch Chain Amino Acid supplement. Its the amino acids you cant get from your diet. Take 1 pill for about every 50 pounds of body weight about 45 minutesw before workout. It will get rid of "the funk" as a buddy of mine says that is a personal trainer says. You also need to get a good after workout drink or shake to drink as well.
I finished my 7th week of powersculpt
and I'm prolly 90% recovered
within 2 hrs.
I also bought a new juicer
and take Amino supps
and drink a protein smoothie after workouts.
I've prolly only lost 3 pounds,
but I was pretty thin to begin with,
cept for the pudding cup on my belly,
but my Wranglers aren't cutting off the blood to my feet anymore.

you guessed it,
now I'm hot!
I thought the carbo sparing effect
operated opposite of what it states in #3
of the link article.
If fat was burned at resting or submax
then we wouldn't have as many fat people.

We burn carbos first
after a considerable amount of time
the body switches to fat burning.
Another 3.3 issue.
The common diet does not consist of fats and proteins.
It consists of fats and carbs.
Hence the obesity prob.
Proteins are for growth/muscle repair only.
Dogface":3rt1y3a2 said:
Another 3.3 issue.
The common diet does not consist of fats and proteins.
It consists of fats and carbs.
Hence the obesity prob.
Proteins are for growth/muscle repair only.

It's mostly the carbs. In fact, it's all because of the carbs. Eating fat does not make you fat. The big trouble is most of us have not met a high carb food we don't like way too much.
We sometimes have Ice Cream socials at church. Everybody is supposed to make Home-Made Ice cream. I buy Bluebell Home made Vanilla, let it melt a little and put it in the Ice Cream Maker. Everybody wants my recipe.............