Dallas Covenant to 11-Man


Six-man fan
Six-Man Community,
I wanted to inform you all that it's with excitement and a little sadness (or a lot), that Dallas Covenant will be moving to 11-man football this coming fall. We've been playing six-man at the varsity level for the last ten years and it has been a huge part of our school community. We will always cherish the time we had to get to know you all in competing through one of the best (if not THE best, track and field being a close 2nd though) sports there is. We knew this change was coming for a while and feel that now is the best time to make the transition to crowded man. Thanks again for everything, The Covenant School is a better school because of the six-man community, and we will certainly miss everything about the six-man game.
Brice Helton
Good luck to you and all the DC folks, Coach. I know all of us at ACHS have enjoyed the great rivalry we've had with you guys. It's been fun. I'm sure y'all will do well in 11-man too. Great programs work that way.

We'll miss you guys.
Good luck to you Brice and all of the quality DC community. It has been an honor competing against and learning from you during that competition. Watauga Harvest Christian wishes you the best and prays that God bless your continued journey of developing character in young men through football.

Terry Caywood