Boerne Geneva moving on to 11-man


11-man fan
6-man family,

I write to let you all know that Boerne Geneva has decided to move to 11-man football next season. We were scheduled to be classified TAPPS D1 6-man for one more year and were planning to make the move to 11-man in 2016, but a TAPPS 11-man team 10 miles down the road from us dropped out of their TAPPS district and we decided to petition the district and TAPPS to take their spot and make the move to 11-man one year early. The teams in that district agreed to accept us, so we will be playing 11-man football next season.

In my tenure at Geneva (and before), I have only known 6-man football. When I first arrived at Geneva, I had to deal with parents who only wanted to know when were we going to be playing "real football." Now I meet with parents who want to know "why do we have to leave 6-man." I take great pride in that change of perspective. I can honestly say that I love 6-man football and its community, and it is with a heavy heart that we make the move; but I know it is the best move for our school and its growing numbers. We know the move will be difficult, but I believe it is a challenge that will provide even more opportunities to build character in our players.

I would like to close by thanking the 6-man football teams and coaches against whom we competed for the past 6 years and for the everlasting memories you have given our boys and our families. There is a lot wrong with sports in the world today, but there is also a lot of beauty and goodness; and I believe you will find most everything that is right about sports and extra-curricular activities in general in the world of 6-man football.

May God continue to bless your teams and communities,

Scott Stolle
Geneva School of Boerne
Congrats on your championship this season and overall success to the people at Boerne Geneva. Three state championship appearances in a row is impressive. The staff at Geneva does a great job of coaching your boys each year. I can tell you our boys at Emery look back at when we played this year as one of the games to use as motivation to improve this off-season. Simply because of the way you all execute you scheme so well and how your team goes about their business each and every play. Best wishes to you all in your 11-man endeavors.
Going out on top is awesome. Y'all will do well in 11-man too, I'm sure. Great program.

Best of luck to you and your kids!