photo by: Dency McClure
Kyle Jeffrey – Highland
Head Coaching History: Trent 2004-08; Highland 2014-present
Head Coaching Record: 36-47
High School Attended: Hamlin, Class of 1989
-Football in HS: Yes; QB/FS
College(s) Attended: McMurry University
-Football in College: Yes; QB/FS freshman & sophomore years (1989-90)
Preferred Offensive Set: Balanced T, I & Wing
Preferred Defensive Set: 3-2-1
LS: Who would you say were/are the coaches that were your mentors and had the most impact on you as a coach?
KJ: Karry Owens, Monte Richburg, and Trey Richey. Trey and I were childhood friends starting back when we were both elementary kids because he had family around Hamlin. We also played football together at McMurry. Karry, Monte, and Trey they are always there to help you out in every way in football or life. I’d say Vance (Jones) as well because since I’ve been back at Highland he’s helped as well; we try to do some variations on what he does.
LS: If you could tell first year head coach Kyle Jeffry something what would it be?
KJ: I’d be more open to adaptation. I came in very stern headed. I would have gone out and tried to fit the system to the kids instead of molding the kids to what I knew.
LS: Having been a great player in high school, is it easier or harder then going on and trying to be a great coach and does it help or hurt having played 11man in HS?
KJ: I think having played 11man helps me because at Hamlin I played QB/FS in high school and in junior high I played all sorts of positions until Art Briles became our head coach and he moved me to QB. All positions that I played are key in the 6man game. A lot of what we do is kind of old 11man stuff. In 2012-13 I was wide receivers coach at Colorado City and it was harder to go back to 11man after having coached 6man because I was just coaching wide receivers instead of everything and it was kind of boring. I decided as soon as I could get back into 6man I would.