Cherokee - Boys Coach

Cherokee's problem is their hiring process. You use a committee to hire Adminstrators, NOT coaches and teachers! Until the Supt or the Principal bucks up and do their jobs instead of relying on a committee, not many established coaches will want to go there. Its the Principal's job to interview and narrow the list. Then the Supt needs to interview the narrowed list of applicant's and then the two Administrators get together, decide on one to take to the board and do that! It should never be left up to a committee to hire anything other than Aministrators! I know several good coaches who upon learning they had to interview with a committee decided not to even go! Just my own opinion!
Sorry GATA but in many, many small schools school boards do the hiring. It can be a scenario where the administrators don't want the responsibility of hiring someone who can come back and bite you (and Cherokee has had that happen) or you have boards that will not give up that responsibility, they feel they are elected to "run" the school. I am not saying it is correct, but that is the way it is.

What Cherokee needs to do is bring their old coach out of retirement, cause there are not many folks out there who would be better. It might also help Cherokee if the Children's home did a better job of selecting people who they take. (Ha, Roddy had better luck when they did)

The contact guy for job is a good guy by the way. You owe me Chris.
High Plains, Then the Cherokee School Board is breaking the School Board rules! A School Board, according to the rules they have to abide by, is to set school policy and hire and fire the Superintendent! NOT to hire anyone else. They are supposed to take the Supt and Principals word for it. This tells me the board has no faith in their administration or the administration doesn't have the gumption to do it themselves!
Gata, they sure may be breaking the rules. I am just saying that in my 30 plus years of messing with this silly stuff, I can only think of one school who did not have school board interview coaching candidates. This may be a new rule that has come about recently, but again bunches of schools for 30 years have been doing it that way.

In some cases it was a good deal to meet with board, you got a sense of the "leaders" of the community. Some times you learned that you didnt want to go to that place.

I think all of them make the decisions in executive session, so I dont know if you know who made the decision, but as I say in my limited experience that the way it was.
I am in alignment with you as to this issue of boards and committees. I am closing in on about ... well let's just say I been in the business as long as most of these guys have been alive. Here is my short opinion on boards and committees.

If we lived in an ideal world, then the superintendent or principal would come forth with their opinion and their recommendations and the board would support them and hire the man they recommended. Then the board and community would support them and the new coach.

However, the world is not an ideal place so in short..... why not go ahead and interview with the committee and get that part out of the way. If they like you and feel good about you they will hire you..... and then later on, if they don't, they will fire you. It is that simple in the real world.

I really don't see the issue. Just know what world you live in.
we are probably very close. I am much closer to 60 than any other age.

Back to the post... why be afraid of the committee? Isn't RS going to be tougher than the committee or other tough six man schools?

If I had the desire to interview I sure wouldn't let those folks scare me the first time out.... get after them, Boys.

After all, these folks who interview you in committee... they are the same ones that will eventually fire you.... Get it all out on the table early.
Close to same age. Ha Just my thought, if I wanted the job, I may not like interviewing with board or committee, but you got to do what you got to do. They can't eat you as an old coach used to say.
Hmmm!!! That running part might be a problem! With HPD's knee repair and my metal knees, you might be way ahead. by the way Gata if you don't want to deal with school boards, get a job in 3A up. Anyplace below that, you will find that the school board is involved. The smaller the school, the more they do it their way. :roll: :roll: :lol:
Wiltwood, I dont think we want to get that guy you suggested. Unless he has quit all together, we can't hold a club to him, I don't know about Broadcaster, him being a buff buck and all that, but I have played with you and I speak the truth. Ha