Burkhart pulling upset against GC?

Johnny south you assuming again there has been some on the roster but probably before your time and if you want me to shut up then I guess you can come shut me up. Only embarrassment might be you
Not to worry Johnny, sounds like Testosterone and Budweiser talking.
Besides you and I both know that Age and Treachery will always overcome
youth and skill ! :)
“Growing older is mandatory, Growing up is Optional”.
Yes Zephyr Football Zipcode,you could very well be correct. If there was one of your ancestors on the RS Coyote roster before 1952, I may not have known about him. But that would have been five decades before the Coach in question that you desire to slander.
So Johnny South what your saying is that you only know anything if you was on the roster while he was the coach. People that live there or around there or teach there or coached there or know kids that moved there for a purpose don't know anything.
While I am not interested in the pissing contest going on in this thread, I would like to hear from someone who was at the game whether or not Landon Burkhart played? If he did not play, how did Rankin do so well? Garden City 45ed Rankin in week 5 of the regular season! Is Jerry Burkhart that much of a genius?
TebowTime15":1ethflu5 said:
While I am not interested in the pissing contest going on in this thread, I would like to hear from someone who was at the game whether or not Landon Burkhart played? If he did not play, how did Rankin do so well? Garden City 45ed Rankin in week 5 of the regular season! Is Jerry Burkhart that much of a genius?
No, Landon didn’t play(according to Lehman in an earlier post)
Yes, Jerry is that much of a defensive genius..............
This year and last year GC has 45’d Rankin in the regular season and come play off time the last 2 years these 2 teams have met, both playoff games have went 4 full quarters. Hand it to Rankin, those young men turn it up a notch.
Not taking away from Rankin's defense, GC had some turnovers early and Rankin did capitalize. it was tight going in at half. GC fared better in the second half, Rankin had a turnover or 2 also. But the coaches in Rankin had their kids prepared to play. ( I didn't make the game, I listened in on a radio broadcast, so that is my source.)
I hope everyone in this thread realizes that "good defense" in sixman football is an oxymoron! The offense has such an advantage that it is all about scoring.