Burkhart pulling upset against GC?

Wow! You guys need to, to quote Jerry Burkhart against Milford in 2015 ironically, "knock of that [this] trash!" Violence is not the answer, especially when it comes to a child's game.

Now that we have established that Jerry Burkhart is "the most interesting man in the world," did Landon actually play last night? While the score suggests that he did play, can we get that confirmed? If so, I hope Leman can put it on YouTube as I would like to see it.
Dont really want to step foot into this "discussion" but will just to clarify one thing since I was asked to

Tebow - No he didnt play. My understanding is what Broberts431 said and jc_30 said is correct in regards to that matter

And I dont put any film on youtube from the current season
I’m unapologetic about my statements to anonymous accusers. As I’ve said before i used to be a cop and I’ve seen first hand the destruction caused by false accusations. Until you have been burned or have personal knowlege of a miscarriage of justice, you can't begin to understand the destruction that can be caused. Case in-point: I was investigating a case that had a connection to another case where a “rapist” had been convicted and served 8 years in prison. I needed to interview the “victim” about some details of my first case. When I showed up at her home for the interview, without me saying a word about the rape case, she broke down crying and to my suprise, confessed to lying about the rape. The real victim, the guy that lost 8 years of his life, was finally cleared. He told me that he knew even though he was cleared, “that was 8 years ago, nobody cares now”. “Where do I go to get my family and reputation back?”. Even though I wasn’t involved with the original case where he was convicted, and I actually helped clear him, I was part of the “system” that did a sloppy investigation in the first place. Putting more emphasis on the accusation and less on the facts. Imagine yourself your son or other family member facing unsubstantiated allegations and realize that sometimes it’s the “accuser” that’s the bad guy in the equation. Bottom line, if you are going to make an accusation about someone, stand up, identify yourself and present your facts. Otherwise just shut up.
It’s just a simple message: if you are going to trash and accuse someone be man (or woman) enough to stand up, identify yourself, make your accusation and produce verifiable FACTS to back up your allegations . Makes no difference whether it’s Burkhart, Trump, Kavanaugh or your worst enemy.
Now, that’s not so hard is it?
Guys, I get that everyone feels passsionately about this subject, and I respect FCSA for being willing to back up his statements. But let’s just take a breath. It’s a kid’s game, no need for this.
Yea this guy is certifiably nuts...he has threatened to do all kinds of things...whats even more nuts is parents actually allow him to coach their kids. My bet is they dont know just how insane he is. Also as you can tell he seems to have a thing for Burkhart!
It doesn't make any difference what the last name is. Ever since I came to this site I’ve seen all kind of accusations leveled at all kinds of people. So i decided I would continue to point out that if your not man enough to identify yourself, make your accusations and state your facts to back it up, I’m going to continue to
Point that out. So get used to it or stop it. Simple. Basic American and Texas principle, innocent ultil PROVEN
Otherwise. Star Chambers belong in California.
FCSA I have stated who I am. Secondly you call people and say no facts well where is your facts that prove everyone else wrong. Oh let me guess what you think is always right.
Football Zephyr Miller, yes, you do have the right to embarrass yourself and your kinfolk on this site. You say that your family is from the northwest part of San Saba county. You know, for the life of me I don't ever remember anyone of that name playing for the Coyote team. Or for that matter, I can't place one of that name who could have known much of anything about the Coyote football program or any of the coaches on staff at RS. You may be pretty good at blowing smoke, but I think that is about all. You do know, you have the right to remain silent.