Burkhart pulling upset against GC?

As far as move ins go, I believe you have to be eligible before district certification to be able to play in the Playoffs.
Johnny South":1hgibedw said:
CheiffHennyy":1hgibedw said:
Will Landon deliver Garden City their first loss of the year??
That's kind of a mean remark.
Johnny, it’s just the same old Burkhart haters with this weeks new sign on name. Just look over to the far right and see when they “joined”. Yesterday ? 3 days ago? Last week? I believe some of these guys have an excel spreadsheet to help them remember who they are supposed to be today.
Same old slop, same old pigs just different names to keep the mud stirred up!
Just an observation........
Fcsa your observation is wrong. Been keeping up with this site for many years just never posted anything. I just don't see how you can play for 3 different schools in one season an be eligible
Also FCSA I'm not a Burkhart hater and not saying he is a great coach or not a great coach. My family is from Richland Springs been there many years so I know a little bout his recruiting style
football76890":1uvyipvp said:
Also FCSA I'm not a Burkhart hater and not saying he is a great coach or not a great coach. My family is from Richland Springs been there many years so I know a little bout his recruiting style

cough cough cough, Did someone say RECRUITING

Well, as an observer myself, and a non-anonymous contributer, it is intresting to note constant themes, wording and presentations that have a central theme and common thread and yet a different name every week or so depending on the subject they want to promote at the time. Everyone seems to have a hot button but very few are willing to state their opinions and idenify themselves for contribution. I am one of those that don’t hide behind some cute made up name. If you read this site much at all you know who I am, where I live, and what my real email address and phone numbers are. I wonder about those who make up “facts”, make definitave yet unsubstantiated accusations and at the same time do not have the courage of your convictions and beliefs to identify yourselves. Some might say that’s cowardly, shallow, and hypocritical to say the least. My view is that if you make a statement, back it up. In your case you said you once lived in Richland Springs. It’s not quite as big as Austin or Dallas or Houston. I’m sure someome there remembers you, so if you want to back up your claims and accusations then THE BIG QUESTION IS... ta da ! WHO ARE YOU ?
If you are not prepared to answer that question then your thoughts, accusations and unverifiable statements are mindless drivel not worthy of consideration. Much like the pile of excrement that comes from the South end of a Northbound Bull. Please don’t take it personal or be too offended, you have a lot of like minded breathen on this site.
Just saying........
Quote: cough cough cough, Did someone say RECRUITING

A couple of Questions, maybe for Granger and/or Leman:

1. Which came first in Texas? Football or Recruiting ? Think before you answer !

2. Along with all of Burkhart's mystical powers, when was he anointed the UIL CZAR ? After all 3 schools in one year !
Even Donald Trump doesn't mess with those guys !
As of the board meeting Wednesday night Landon is still ineligible. The Burkhart’s are now going to have to appeal to the UIL in Austin if they want him to have a chance to do other sports this school year.

One school made the motion to allow for him to be eligible but no one else seconded it or voted for it.
Kramer":39i7w5o6 said:
football76890":39i7w5o6 said:
Also FCSA I'm not a Burkhart hater and not saying he is a great coach or not a great coach. My family is from Richland Springs been there many years so I know a little bout his recruiting style

"MY FAMILY IS FROM RICHLAND SPRINGS", YOUR, QUOTE NOT MINE. Family, you, your wife, kids, in laws, outlaws, dog, cat, pig, horse, cows? YOU used the term to indicate your qualifications on the subject. Perhaps you should be more definitive in the future. In any event let me give you credit:
Number one: You are right, I was wrong once, it was when I thought I was wrong, but I wasn't.
Number two: You are right, you don't want to know me because I would hold you responsible and accountable for your words and deeds.
Third, I look in the mirror everyday and say, you are soooo good looking and so brilliant !
And Fourth you are still dodging the question: WHO ARE YOU ? It seems that is what, in your mind, qualifies you to be a sage and expert on all things Burkhart and Richland Springs. Aren't you Proud of WHO you are ?
why not tell us all?
I just LOVE FISHING FOR MULLET, and you just proved that on this site, They Bite Every Day!
Family means lot more to me. My dad's side of the family grew up there I have uncle's aunts and cousins there. We can meet anytime you want but don't think you would like that outcome buddy. Like I said don't know you pecker head. You talk about hiding behind made up names I seriously doubt your real name is FSCA.