bulldogs and panthers


11-man fan
Hats off to the Amherst Bulldogs, you guys really took it to the Whitharral Panthers. i didnt think AHS could pull off this win but i was wrong. Good gosh AHS has tons of speed, it gave WHS fits all night long. I have always said that Amherst had the athletes but never had the desire or the disipline to do much. Hats off to the coaches and to the captains, much improvement in the desire/disipline department. Great fan support, it seemed like a bulldog homefield instead of a whitharral home game...Kudos.

Whitharral panthers, dont get your heads down you just got beat by a stronger, faster team. you still have two more games to play. But you cant come out flat like you did last night, no emotion before the game or you might get beat again. there is no shame in being pumped up before the game, its ok to jump up and down and let out a yell or two no one will question your manhood. GET EXCITED i promise if you do the stands will get that way to. if it wasnt for the RED HOT MOMMAS I could have heard the crickets last night, parents these are your kids get behind them, its ok to yell and scream and get excited as well. and dont worry i am pointing the finger at myself as well. we are really good at yelling at the officals now lets try to pump up our team. it sure didnt hurt Amherst,that their fans was into the game way before kickoff. I have faith in the guys, lets go win the next two games and go into the playoffs with a full head of steam
I agree Mister. GREAT GAME. Amherst got wat they needed coaches that are willing to start a program at ahs. And that program starts with them sticking on for a couple years. Keep on winning SOLIS we are behind you all the way. WEEK 15 here we come