Bracket question

seguinlifegate":2e6gksit said:
tepryde":2e6gksit said:
Robt-so who were the two best teams last year? Don't say it was Lifegate or Tyler Street, because they both got beat by Brenham. Then Christway beat them, so yes, I would definitely say the two best teams played for the state championship last year and the two best teams will play for it again. why is this so hard to understand or accept?

duncanville won state.. they played a great game and ended up winning... i've met these kids and they are all FINE athletes... i'm not taking anything away from them...

you love them because now you can tell your kids that yall lost to the state champions... haha its kind of funny how every chance you get to praise them you do... i'm not attacking you but please don't attack one of my player's parents.. again christway earned that trophy.. they were the fastest team in sixman last year and speed kills..

but i would have loved to see them play lifegate.. or tyler street (again).. or even brenham again... i know it can't happen but i think thats what he is getting at...

again no hard feelings.. but i can't let you talk to him like that when he has every right to assume we would have beat duncanville if we were on that side of the bracket... doesn't matter though..

Whoa bro John, I really didn't take TE coach like an attack....just a debate ...right?
i'm not john... and it was a debate until he asked why you can't understand or come to grips with something... and thats not acceptable... its nothing personal against him... i like him as a person and respect him as a coach... i'm just not going to let stuff like that go... its just my nature... again nothing personal..
seguinlifegate- I like you too, and I have a ton of respect for you. However, Robt said that the two best teams didn't play in the state championship game and I merely stated that Christway beat the team that beat Lifegate and Tyler Street. I am sure if the shoe were on the other foot so to speak, you would see it the same way I do. Let me try this one more way, In the playoffs where it matters, Christway beat the team that beat 2 undefeated teams along the way. Now if that doesn't prove who the two best teams were then somebody isn't being intellectually honest. And nowhere have I ever brought up the fact that we played Christway in the playoffs, it has totally nothing to do with us. In math I teach the transitive property it goes like this: if A is greater than B and B is greater than C, then A is greater than C. If Christway beat Brenham, and Brenham beat Lifegate and Tyler Street, Then Christway is greater than Lifegate and Tyler Street. Thats why we play the games on the field and not thru the polls, like the BCS. Last year is done and over with lets move on and may the best team win.
I agree with tepryde! i mean we only lost one game last year lol even though it was a very big lost by a very big margin but aye sometimes i forgot that we even lost that game because we were not the same team after the lost to Those crusader boys last year! but yeah i believe the best two teams did play in moody last year! And the best team did win! why? because they had been there the year before and learned from the mistakes they made against freddy and corrected them the next year against Brenham! and i am glad i was apart of it all :mrgreen: