Bracket question

Box Dad

11-man fan
Why can't they switch the brackets around once the season starts to even them up a bit. Or set the brackets after game 7. Who would be upset if we switched District 3 champs and District 2 champs in the bracket if that makes for a better path? In the end the best team, who brings the best game wins. There is a ranking page on this sight and I would think that you would want to set it up so as the two highest ranked teams meet in the finals. That doesn't take away from the fact that of the "any team could win any night" which is true but not all the time or Vegas would not make money.
So the question, would people be upset if they changed or set the brackets after mid season based on the stats?
It seems that you are looking for a way to keep two teams from playing each other before the finals. it doesn't matter how the brackets are laid out, the best team wins in the end. look at last year as a perfect example, nobody thought christway was going to make it let alone win it all and they did.
I agree with Box a 100%....We should bracket teams according to rank and do that near the end of regular season. Ex. #1 ,3, 5 one one side #2, 4, 6 one the other side. These rankings (of coarse) are relative to the standing within the division. Has nothing to do with avoiding anybody and everything to do with giving the two best schools the chance to meet in Moody.
if you think your team is the best and you dont want to play against the other top team until the final game.. lose a game on purpose and be put in the other bracket its that easy!!!
and who's ranking should we use? grangers? he had christway ranked third AFTER they won the state championship. so his rankings are unreliable at best and more for fun than anything else ( no slam on granger, i enjoy all that he does for sixman). i like it the way it is, it is totally unsubjective. the best team will win in the end. if it ain't broke, then lets not try to fix it.
robt78155":7jvai8z5 said:
I agree with Box a 100%....We should bracket teams according to rank and do that near the end of regular season. Ex. #1 ,3, 5 one one side #2, 4, 6 one the other side. These rankings (of coarse) are relative to the standing within the division. Has nothing to do with avoiding anybody and everything to do with giving the two best schools the chance to meet in Moody.

Brother Robert the Second ...

TAPPS tries to make their brackets firm to remove any suggestion of partisanship (trust me, I thought about slipping Edd and Bryan a couple twenties under the table, but there were some problems. First is that they're too stinkin' honest to take them and second I was out of twenties).

We all know the brackets and they're there. No questions or confusion.

Also, they always separate the #1 and #2 of the district so that the only way they can meet in the playoffs is the finals. And sometimes it works that the top two teams in a class/sport are in the same district. Halletsville Sacred Heart and Shiner St. Paul have met several times in several sports in the finals after finishing #1 and #2 in their districts.

Playoffs are simple. Win four straight and somebody gives you a trophy. Lose and go home.
Doesn't matter the order the teams come at you.
.. the way the bracket is set up has nothing to do with winning the state championship... that can be agreed.. but i'm coming from the players point of view.... (was one not too long ago).. i want to play the other top ranked team IN THE FINALS its hard to decide who number one and two are before week 8 or 9... but its such a small change at that time that it shouldn't be too much to ask to get them to put grangers number 1 and two on seperate brackets right?? anyway i know his rankings aren't perfect but they are better than a rabbit in the hat drawing to see who gets what side... again i know it doesn't matter what side you're on to win it all but it sure does help if you know you are facing the number one or two ranked team in the finals.... its ridiculous to think our coaches and kids don't look at this site to see where they're ranked... even the news the other night said "thats why they're number two in the state".. you would sell more tickets, have more fans, and have a better chance at a great game in the finals by doing it this way... idk thats just my two cents...
seguinlifegate":hluqmcip said:
.. the way the bracket is set up has nothing to do with winning the state championship... that can be agreed.. but i'm coming from the players point of view.... (was one not too long ago).. i want to play the other top ranked team IN THE FINALS its hard to decide who number one and two are before week 8 or 9... but its such a small change at that time that it shouldn't be too much to ask to get them to put grangers number 1 and two on seperate brackets right?? anyway i know his rankings aren't perfect but they are better than a rabbit in the hat drawing to see who gets what side... again i know it doesn't matter what side you're on to win it all but it sure does help if you know you are facing the number one or two ranked team in the finals.... its ridiculous to think our coaches and kids don't look at this site to see where they're ranked... even the news the other night said "thats why they're number two in the state".. you would sell more tickets, have more fans, and have a better chance at a great game in the finals by doing it this way... idk thats just my two cents...

Just remember, it ain't gonna happen. It is as it is, so just do what you can. Win and keep winning. Sometime at the end, they hand you a trophy.

By the way, UIL brackets are pretty well fixed. Bi-District, Area, and future rounds are always determined. In 1A-5A, the folks in the San Antonio area always play the folks from the Houston area for the finals spot; only change is where the regions break off (Austin is now more or less aligned with Dallas; Fort Worth goes to West Texas).
Because we are a small league made up of small schools there are big swings in talent. In other leagues number 1's and 2's between districts are somewhat similar in ability so a set bracket works. In our league we know and the kids know who the better teams are. If there is a district heavy with talent, which in our case means 2 really good teams, adjust the bracket. If there is a district weak and we are sending teams to playoffs just because, adjust a little.
That being said, I know the best team wins in the end, but if that is the bottom line, lets draw names out of a hat the week before and make it more interesting. I would say in the last 2 years that I have been watching, one side of the bracket has had noticeably better teams then the other.
And why can't things change if they should, not saying they should, but lets not give in to what has always been done if there is a better way. That's my life lesson for today, from Dalli Rama-noodle.
boxdad- thats exactly why you don't make any changes to the system. sometimes the north is loaded and sometimes the south is loaded. last year everybody thought the bottom half of the bracket was going to produce the state champ and it was the top half that did it. the way the bracket played out produced one of the best state championship games in recent memory. what was so wrong with that. there was a one loss team vs an undefeated team. nothing wrong with that.
Creating a bracket system based on rating won't guarantee that the #1 and #2 teams will face off for the title. What would happen if #4 beat #2? Upsets happen. Regardless of how the brackets are set up, the two best teams will face-off because the base fact is this - you gotta win to get there.
I know of a system that works perfectly. Instead of playoffs, let's have a bunch of games on Thanksgiving Day around the state and you have to get invited to play in one of them. We could call them, I don't know, bowl games or something. Then we can all vote for the champion!!!!!

Seriously, I hear what everybody is saying, and its not perfect, but it is what it is. Just have to keep winning until there's no one left to's all we can do.
if everyone wants the number one and number two team to play in the final game in moody... lifegate lose one of your district games and go into playoffs second place you will be on one side of the bracket and brenham will be on the other.. if yall are the two best teams you will meet at moody!!
sixmanjr":ltxzpl33 said:
if everyone wants the number one and number two team to play in the final game in moody... lifegate lose one of your district games and go into playoffs second place you will be on one side of the bracket and brenham will be on the other.. if yall are the two best teams you will meet at moody!!
I agree! The two best teams played in moody Last year.. The two best team should play in moody this year.. which means It will be the dist.2 champ vs. the dist4 champ or dist 3 champ.. which means it wont be Brenham vs lifegate in the finals! so just go out there and play it out on the field and whoever is playing Dec. 4th in moody are the two best teams!
sixmanjr":1g4dxhnt said:
if everyone wants the number one and number two team to play in the final game in moody... lifegate lose one of your district games and go into playoffs second place you will be on one side of the bracket and brenham will be on the other.. if yall are the two best teams you will meet at moody!!

Hah!! I once fell for the "we should date other people just to make sure" line and learned my lesson!!! Lots of ideas seem good at the time..... Lifegate will play to win every week and praise God for whatever we end up achieving on the field and off. And you're right, the champion is the best team and that is the end of it. And whether the runnerup is actually the second place team, unfortunately, I don't think matters to anyone, certainly not me. We didn't raise a banner that said " 2nd ranked team 2009" last year. We put up "State Quarterfinals" (well, actually we don't have any money for more banners, but if we did....). Keep those thoughts coming - they're entertaining that's for sure!!!
Veezy32":2jhnpwsh said:
sixmanjr":2jhnpwsh said:
if everyone wants the number one and number two team to play in the final game in moody... lifegate lose one of your district games and go into playoffs second place you will be on one side of the bracket and brenham will be on the other.. if yall are the two best teams you will meet at moody!!
I agree! The two best teams played in moody Last year.. The two best team should play in moody this year.. which means It will be the dist.2 champ vs. the dist4 champ or dist 3 champ.. which means it wont be Brenham vs lifegate in the finals! so just go out there and play it out on the field and whoever is playing Dec. 4th in moody are the two best teams!

Really?? kinda like the Big 12 huh? North winner plays south."two best teams meet in the championship...." wait..oh snap..(3).Texas beats(5) OU , wins the south and goes on to play ...wait for it...(17)Missouri in the championship !! really...Missouri better than, no , keep your brackets the way they are Tapps so the south doesn't have to drive 300 miles to play a first round game...but enough with the argument that this prduces the two best teams in the play offs..(didn't happen last year and pbl won't this year either) soorrry . just had to say it.
Robt-so who were the two best teams last year? Don't say it was Lifegate or Tyler Street, because they both got beat by Brenham. Then Christway beat them, so yes, I would definitely say the two best teams played for the state championship last year and the two best teams will play for it again. why is this so hard to understand or accept?
tepryde":10q27xgc said:
Robt-so who were the two best teams last year? Don't say it was Lifegate or Tyler Street, because they both got beat by Brenham. Then Christway beat them, so yes, I would definitely say the two best teams played for the state championship last year and the two best teams will play for it again. why is this so hard to understand or accept?
No , no coach, I really don't want to get sucked into that question because (I admit) it's all my" gut", football opinion, and nothing factual....just like who was better OU or Missouri??.....
The discussion was how to best structure our brackets that the two best teams end up in Moody.
I know this is not the best system to accomplish that objective. But ,I'm not i favour of changing it either because of the scenarios of logistical nightmares.AND I know the two best teams will play somewhere along this journey....just may not be moody.
tepryde":3tclk10h said:
Robt-so who were the two best teams last year? Don't say it was Lifegate or Tyler Street, because they both got beat by Brenham. Then Christway beat them, so yes, I would definitely say the two best teams played for the state championship last year and the two best teams will play for it again. why is this so hard to understand or accept?

duncanville won state.. they played a great game and ended up winning... i've met these kids and they are all FINE athletes... i'm not taking anything away from them...

you love them because now you can tell your kids that yall lost to the state champions... haha its kind of funny how every chance you get to praise them you do... i'm not attacking you but please don't attack one of my player's parents.. again christway earned that trophy.. they were the fastest team in sixman last year and speed kills..

but i would have loved to see them play lifegate.. or tyler street (again).. or even brenham again... i know it can't happen but i think thats what he is getting at...

again no hard feelings.. but i can't let you talk to him like that when he has every right to assume we would have beat duncanville if we were on that side of the bracket... doesn't matter though..