Best Football Facilities


Six-man observer
Who do y'all think in sixman has the best football facilities? I'm talking about field, stadium, etc. I'll give my top 5
1. Jayton
2. Borden County
3. Blackwell
4. Hermleigh
5. Garden City
Shame on me, but I have not been to Garden City. Looks beautiful on Google maps.
Robert Lee is great and add to Homelanders 5 for me.
Highland, grass, is great.
Newcastle, grass and still under construction. Field and stands are great.
Iredell, grass, great.
Sterling City was on bucket list and now should be great for 11-man.
I have enjoyed all of them
Thurber Tech Troubadours plays their home games in the Trio Club's parking lot in downtown Mingus, broken glass and all. They save money on night games by using the neon lights from the club. Some nights you can hear Brooks and Dunn in the background, other nights just Wille Nelson. Willie thinks Abbott can take Gordon, by the way.
Anyone who’s been to Rankin will probably agree, they have one of the best in the state that I’ve seen! Robert Lee is also very nice! Balmorhea’s new stadium is another that’s very nice!
Yes, I agree with you about Rankin. Pretty sweet facility. State of the art scoreboard with video capability. I like how the stadium lights go out and the red lights shine when the red devils score. I hear they are building a multi million $ golf course also. Must visit if you haven't in my opinion.
I looked at several of these on the map and it appears that the new ones used the same builder, lol. The fields look the same, just different colors, names, and mascots.Tthe homestands and press boxes look the same. The differences are whether or not they have the track going around the football field, making it oval, or no track, making it rectangular. Also, the size of the visitor's side stands, the style of scoreboard, and probably a bigee, the placement and style of the concession and restrooms. The surrounding area makes a difference too, with those that have a scenic background being more aesthetically pleasing.
Yes, I agree with you about Rankin. Pretty sweet facility. State of the art scoreboard with video capability. I like how the stadium lights go out and the red lights shine when the red devils score. I hear they are building a multi million $ golf course also. Must visit if you haven't in my opinion.
Yes, that was in progress last time I was there. I believe a new gymnasium is also being planned.
Thurber Tech Troubadours plays their home games in the Trio Club's parking lot in downtown Mingus, broken glass and all. They save money on night games by using the neon lights from the club. Some nights you can hear Brooks and Dunn in the background, other nights just Wille Nelson. Willie thinks Abbott can take Gordon, by the way.
Willie may have external factors influencing that opinion....
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