Anybody Building this Year?

Hate to burst your bubble, Shay, but when mudpies are part of your halftime entertainment you got problems!!! :)
Seriosly, I bet their set up is going to be one of the best around. Are you guys going to have an 8 lane track?
Coach Avants-

Not sure if you are looking to get rid of any equipment, scoreboards, lockers, etc...but would love to talk with you if you are...We are trying to convince our local church to let us build a field on the property (we are a Home School team) so that we would finally have a home field, but working on a VERY LEAN budget...Trying to get any sort of donations we can...

Trying to build a field that we can use on Friday nights, and let the youth leagues in our area use for their games the rest of the weekend...

This goes for anyone that might be aware of equipment/materials that we can use, and allow our local youth leagues to use as well...

Feel free to give me a call or email!

Mark Baker
CHANT Chargers
[email protected]