Abbott Vs. Gordon - D1 East Semifinal

I think its funny how Gordon is so dirty....When I think of dirty I think of maybe a couple punches..or poking eyes. But a good hard block isnt dirty. But I think Gordon will come out on top by 6 in this game. Abbott is a great team but I dont think they have a good enough second half in them to stay with Gordon. If Abbott wins my hats off to em and they earned my respect. But I dont think either team will be able to beat Throckmorton in the State Championship.
SavoyFan":tcvq8t6n said:
Well strawn fan you certainly have a right to your opinion. All I can go off of is the game and the unsportsmanlike penalties Gordon received when savoy played them, and the repeated post by other member from other towns on here. Maybe if we meet them again in the future I will have a different opinion. They definatley have some repair work to be done to their rep from what I've seen posted about the team and the fans on here
Gordon is a stalwart in the 6-Man community. Repair work to their rep? Teams like Gordon, Strawn, Richland Springs and Abbott come up in nearly every 6 Man conversation (& typically honorably mentioned). Notice that Savoy isn't mentioned there due to the fact that they HAVE NO REPUTATION IN THE 6 MAN WORLD. They'll get there if they stay at it.
I've been a member of this board for awhile now, and the only people I've ever heard (seen) complain about sportsmanship by Gordon is those who got their a$$'s handed to'em by Gordon.
Careful how present yourself on here. Intellectual conversation is always welcomed. Pissin, moanin and belly achin (ala RANTala & Tallman) won't get ya far.
Represent your team the way your team represented you, honorably.
*Disclaimer: I am not a coach at Gordon, nor do I claim to be. My username is nothing more than a nickname given to me by past coaches and classmates. As such is the case of origin, it holds a meaningful spot in my life growing up a Longhorn, and I have no intention of changing it. This has been an issue brought up in the past, so I figured I would knock this out of the way lest it become a point of contention.

To our Longhorns:

Boys I am proud of what you have accomplished thus far this season and what we have yet to see as you proceed into another round of the playoffs. Through a season of ups and downs, injuries and returns, you have proven your name belongs up there with the best of 'em in the hunt for the title. This has been a season to remember and my only regret is I haven't been able to attend more of your games this year as I have in the past. I've watched many of you grow up on and off the field, catching the vast majority of your games since you first stepped on the field as 6th grade shorthorns. Through it all I've seen hardwork and dedication to being the best you can be each and every season.

You play sixman football the way it was intended. Hard, fast, full of grit and determination and the refusal to say quit. Ya'll are a fine group of young men who put in the effort to excel in everything you do under the gold and black. For years I've watched you boys grow into a team and strive for excellence in academics and extracuricular activities. Through the sacrifice of of your time and energy you've brought Gordon back to the Semi-Finals. You compete in a rough sport that asks a lot from those who play it. There's celebration and depression, tempers flare and tears fall. It's all a part of the game and probably will be forever. What the players and coaches have acomplished this year has been no small feat and it's an honor that ya'll still ask me to come around.

So I feel I have a responsibility to stand up for you and say you aren't dirty players. You play a physical game and things can erupt between two opposing players. It happens. Doesn't make it right but it happens. It's not acceptable and I know the coaches take care of all incidents. I've never seen any of you do anything out of malice. I've got no reason to believe you would target another player to do real harm. Any player who steps on the field knows that their is risks involved. Injuries happen to everyteam at some point. Sometimes players choose to return to a game, that means they run the risk of getting reinjured or injured worse. Those are the risks football players take.

The Gordon-Savoy game had incidents on the field by both teams. But both teams for the most part conducted themselves fine and shook hands and spoke with eachother at the end of the game. At the Gordon-Santa Anna game the Mountaineers showed us that they are a scrappy group of young men who refused to give up, Valencia in particular. Several times in that game the Longhorns and Mountaineers helped eachother up. I'm sure all those involved are proud of their respective teams and as we head into the future we hope we better ourselves by learning from our mistakes. That's what growth is. That's what we really hope you boys learn. That hard work pays off, how to excel, how to deal and overcome defeat and how to incorporate that into real life.

So good luck against Abbott boys and to the Panthers I wish ya'll a safe trip and no injuries. I more than likely will not be able to attend this game but ya'll will be on my mind as always. Continue to make us proud and keep up the march to State.
twodollarbill":1b934gmf said:
SavoyFan":1b934gmf said:
Well strawn fan you certainly have a right to your opinion. All I can go off of is the game and the unsportsmanlike penalties Gordon received when savoy played them, and the repeated post by other member from other towns on here. Maybe if we meet them again in the future I will have a different opinion. They definatley have some repair work to be done to their rep from what I've seen posted about the team and the fans on here
Gordon is a stalwart in the 6-Man community. Repair work to their rep? Teams like Gordon, Strawn, Richland Springs and Abbott come up in nearly every 6 Man conversation (& typically honorably mentioned). Notice that Savoy isn't mentioned there due to the fact that they HAVE NO REPUTATION IN THE 6 MAN WORLD. They'll get there if they stay at it.
I've been a member of this board for awhile now, and the only people I've ever heard (seen) complain about sportsmanship by Gordon is those who got their a$$'s handed to'em by Gordon.
Careful how present yourself on here. Intellectual conversation is always welcomed. Pissin, moanin and belly achin (ala RANTala & Tallman) won't get ya far.
Represent your team the way your team represented you, honorably.
Good Point!!
I would say the longhorns by double digits if i knew that #1 was playing he is just a fish but boy does he have game changer written all over him. I don't see the long horns winning with out him and yes i know i will hear the we have won with out him this past few weeks but this is a different game and the level of it is at its highest.
rainjacktx":fuwehwrk said:
Abbott played DC in week 0. Not really sure that constitutes a strong schedule.

But then again - Gordon lost to Stephenville Faith.

I like how the cedar chopping contingent can start - geez - so many threads about the east. It's like they're touched in the head or something.
Hey I resemble that remark. I believe Abbott will take this one bye 18. I just want to say I'm not hatin on Gordon I have nothing against Gordon I would perfer Gordon to win but I don't think it will happen!
lol, it's OK to pick against Gordon, we won't attack, I promise. Just don't call us dirty!!!! lol.
but seriously, Abbott is a great team, and this one will be a fight, so I can see someone picking Abbott. You're wrong, but I can see it.
Longhorn85":1g6uzsdk said:
OTD, you act like if you pick against Gordon, the Longhorn faithful will gang up and attack you :)
It's just with all the above posts I did'nt want Gordon fans thinking I was saying they play dirty which I was'nt! You have to understand that in Blum , Abbott is the team everybody loves to hate! But they are who I am pickin! I want Gordon to win, but I can't see it happening, But if they do I eat crow.
In my own humble and worthless opinion, I think it comes down to how healthy Gordon will be come game time. They have had several injuries throughout the season. If they come in with everybody, I feel like they win by double digits. If not, its gonna be a battle.