11-man fan
The hiring process is a mystery. It depends on whose is doing the hiring - The Supt. • School Committee • School Board • the Money in town • or the Powers that BE in the community.
You can not discount the schools with good programs, a winning history ( even though they may be down at the moment ) being much more selective - because they can be. Will have many more applicants and choices.
Don't leave out the guys with contacts. Word of mouth recommendations from the right guy, right - wrong or indifferent go a long way sometime.
Then there are the schools who can't be choosers. Ones with bad records, bad history, weak athletic classes, weak athletic programs, small numbers, stuck in a district where the school's size is a prohibitive factor to success or just a plain bad rep as a grave yard for coaches. These are the schools who will hire any breathing body they can get that doesn't have a known criminal record.
You can not discount the schools with good programs, a winning history ( even though they may be down at the moment ) being much more selective - because they can be. Will have many more applicants and choices.
Don't leave out the guys with contacts. Word of mouth recommendations from the right guy, right - wrong or indifferent go a long way sometime.
Then there are the schools who can't be choosers. Ones with bad records, bad history, weak athletic classes, weak athletic programs, small numbers, stuck in a district where the school's size is a prohibitive factor to success or just a plain bad rep as a grave yard for coaches. These are the schools who will hire any breathing body they can get that doesn't have a known criminal record.