22 year old Head Coach-Are you kidding me?

The hiring process is a mystery. It depends on whose is doing the hiring - The Supt. • School Committee • School Board • the Money in town • or the Powers that BE in the community.

You can not discount the schools with good programs, a winning history ( even though they may be down at the moment ) being much more selective - because they can be. Will have many more applicants and choices.

Don't leave out the guys with contacts. Word of mouth recommendations from the right guy, right - wrong or indifferent go a long way sometime.

Then there are the schools who can't be choosers. Ones with bad records, bad history, weak athletic classes, weak athletic programs, small numbers, stuck in a district where the school's size is a prohibitive factor to success or just a plain bad rep as a grave yard for coaches. These are the schools who will hire any breathing body they can get that doesn't have a known criminal record.
Age is over rated. Seen many coaches that stuck around too long and too many who got jobs too early. Lets hold our judgement until he's had a chance to prove himself. He may be great.
coachsatcher":14cg26ef said:
Age is over rated. Seen many coaches that stuck around too long and too many who got jobs too early. Lets hold our judgement until he's had a chance to prove himself. He may be great.
That's the best idea yet. Give him a couple of years to build his program and see what happens.
justobserving":189w6ets said:
Dogface - this was my first time seeing this thread. As I read through it I recognized right away you are in a no win situation here. The attitude and remarks returned to you say volumes.

I do not know Coach Kirby. I do know in Coach Kirby resigning from the Lazbuddie position afforded LHS a great and opportune acquisition. Lazbuddie was very fortunate with less than two weeks before coaching school to hire a State Championship Coach with 35+ years experience, a head coaching record of 74-12, a proven leader, a proven teacher, a proven example for young men to follow and who will be concerned with teaching and developing young men to be successful as students and athletes. ( that does not always mean or equate to only winning games )

Good luck to the Longhorns ....

Good Luck to Coach Kirby - he may need it. Just a quick look at his present HIgh Schools record seems they haven't won but 3-4 games against public school opponents in the last 5 years or so....
Only the last 2 years was playing 6-man the other 3 years was against 11-man teams that badly out numbered them.