2018 Can Am Bowl

After much teeth pulling...
Apparently the game is in Kerrobert, SK Canada this year.

There is a website for it but little to zero information about this years game...but has a link to watch it (but doesnt tell you what day or time the game is)

The game is July 7th at 5:05pm (guessing that is Kerrobert time)

Working on getting rosters for yall....but I haven't heard of any Texas kids playing in it this year. The team USA just arrived there today, I will post more info once I get it.

Here is the games webpage with a live stream link on it
No big loss.
Speaking from personal experience, the whole organization of the game is a mess and incredibly complicated and second rate. The premise of the game is poorly conceived.
Because of the energy and complications some of our best decide not to play.

The Canadian players should venture to Texas and play, or at a minimum a location some point as far north in our country, say Montana, as possible.
After having either coached or gone to 4 of the last 5 Can-Am bowls, I disagree with BE on this. The players who have gone to this from Texas have come home with a truly unique all star experience. Football is second to hockey in Canada, but in Saskatchewan, where farming is the main source of income, six man football is pretty important. They don't put the same kind of money into it like Texas does, but the passion is there. As far as not taking our best, that's ok. Hopefully the best are playing in the big all star game in Wichita Falls. But there's plenty of talent in Texas that could go to Canada. However I agree that they should come down to America to play. The problem is some Canadians couldn't afford it. And a game in Texas, with the Temps over 100 in July, would play heck on those poor Canadians.

So 1st of all, your opinion of the CanAm Bowl is just that. Your opinion. Sorry Harley, but that pisses me off. Ignorant in my opinion. And Longhorn, saying USA JV is ridiculous. We had amazing kids from every state in the past.

There are no Texas kids this year, and very little information about the game, and I will take the blame on that one. I have been in the middle of a nasty divorce, and major custody battle. My world was turned upside down 8 months ago. I just honestly couldn't organize the American side for many reasons. But I knew I couldn't but 100%, hell I couldn't put 20% into it, so I chose to step down for a year.

Team USA and the CanAm Bowl was my baby for 8 years. Anyone that has had to organize an all-star game will tell you it is a full-time job for 3 months. Now imagen trying to do it 1200 miles away, select kids from 6 different states, make sure they get passports, taking care of their travel, as well as hotel, food, and a million other things that can come up.

For $250 (not counting passports) the kids get to travel (for free mind you) to another country, eat 3 really nice meals a day, experience another culture, make lifelong friends (from both teams) and get play one last 6 man game representing the USA.

So I am sorry if you feel the game is a mess. I made sure the last 8 years were not a mess. I made sure it was an amazing experience and held to the highest standards. I don't know your experience with it. I wasn't aware you ever coached in it. But I have seen some of the absolute best high school 6 man players represent the United States since I have been a part of it.

Ask any kid that has played in the last 8 years about their experiences and I can guarantee they will tell you how much they will always cherish their week in Canada.

I will be back next year handling Team USA and I will continue to push for the game to be played in America. There are several complex reasons as to why the game is not played here.

I am sure this will start a keyboard war, but I wanted to address this from someone that actually knows what the hell they are talking about. From someone that has driven thousands upon thousands of miles in 15 passenger vans loaded down with boys and equipment.
It was a mess for my boy, and it was too difficult a process. We would never do it again. We will stay in this country, this state, and use our limited opportunities closer to home where family and friends can attend.
And if it was a smooth process, more Texas boys would participate.

My thoughts were in no way a commentary on anyone's role with that experience. It was too distant and too troubling to participate, simple as that. And maybe I should add that our experience was in 2008. Things may have changed. Tyler enjoyed it, though.

I expressed myself as one independent,free American whose freedom of expression was born on July 4, 1776..
Please don't let that scare you.
From a parent side of things the Can Am Bowl is a great experience for players and families as well. My son played a few years ago and I've helped 4 others go the last few years as well. All but maybe one or two will never experience anything like that again in there lives. The town rallied around these kids and helped pay their way to play. There's a young man that from first day of two-a-days this past year talked about going to Canada this summer as one of his goals. He had a heck of a year but struggled his last game of regular season, after that game he came up to me and said "how bad will this game mess up my chance of going to Canada?"

Coach Bear been there done that, I understand how you feel. I understand you taking a year off to get everything straight. I will tell you this my son played on the 2014 team, he still today talks about that game and you as a coach. Hold your head high and you will be in my prayers.
BE":1e1uzrmy said:
It was a mess for my boy, and it was too difficult a process. We would never do it again. We will stay in this country, this state, and use our limited opportunities closer to home where family and friends can attend.
And if it was a smooth process, more Texas boys would participate.

My thoughts were in no way a commentary on anyone's role with that experience. It was too distant and too troubling to participate, simple as that. And maybe I should add that our experience was in 2008. Things may have changed. Tyler enjoyed it, though.

I expressed myself as one independent,free American whose freedom of expression was born on July 4, 1776..
Please don't let that scare you.

So you’re speaking on an experience from 10 years ago
That has since been taken over by someone else?
Keep speaking please..
Bear has been the mainstay for team USA for a number of years and has done an excellent job on our side as far as I can tell. I cant imagine how stressful it must be to try to work out for team USA since it involves SO much (as stated by the best person to speak of it the last several years). In fact the absence of Bear this year is the main reason why it is hard to get info about it I can promise you, and why there are less (if any) TX kids than in years past.

BE imagine the problems you faced...now multiply that by 10+ as Im sure the coach/organizer for team USA bares those same issues but with every player and has to organize the trip, drive, and be responsible for all the kids throughout the whole process...and coach the game (which has some key differences from how we play in the US).

If Bear was involved in 2008 (which Im not sure but dont think he was) it was probably his first time doing all that and Im sure there were growing pains that went along with it.

It is frustrating obviously that TX seems to have been left standing at the bus station this year, but to me that just shows me how much of an influence Bear had on the game.
Well I wasnt trying to start an argument!!! lol. I was just looking for information. Since we are throwing opinions, I think it would be a good deal to do a switch each year. Surely the canadians could come to wyoming, nebraska, or colorado. I recall a few years back where a canadian team came down and played a texas team, maybe may or strawn. The canadians could do it if they really wanted to. But I guess it would be harder for them to come south and get beat when they get beat at home!!! I enjoy watching the game other than their goofy rules. Am really disappointed that there aren't any texas kids playing this year. Am going to try to watch again this year if I can anyways. And I don't feel that Coach E was trying to downgrade any one particular individual, he was just expressing his experience and how it didnt go so well. It is a huge culture difference between texas football and other states. They don't go at it with the passion and drive that texas teams do and that's in any division, not just 6 man. So I can see where his experience might be less than desirable. Hard to match texas football. However, it is still a good deal that kids get to be involved in the experience and that it exists. And I am sure that there are people around who could help Bear out so that he didnt have such a big burden in trying to organize. Cowboy is all about getting 6 man on the map and he knows a lot of people!!!!!!

Go team USA!
Like I said, my comments are my experience with my son in 2008. They are not meant to disparage anyone attached to that organization. I found it very challenging, too much so. With my next two we will participate closer to home. I have pics of the 2008 game, and I recall how limited the attendance was. If held in Texas there would have been a huge buildup with many, many in attendance. The money made at the gate could cover much if not all of the Canadian team's expenses. It would be a huge deal comparatively.
There might be some resistance from the Canadians initially, but that could be easily overcome.

Hats off to everyone who is involved with the Can-Am Bowl as it stands today, though.

I would like to see those same folks push for a different venue. Let's be honest and frank, the heart of the six man football world is in Texas, and arguably the Abilene to Waco to San Angelo triangle. There are tens of thousands of six man fans, supporters and connoisseurs in that area who would flock to a match up between US and them in any format you can create. And that following is growing. Imagine a game like that in Shotwell Stadium, or any of several other great locations.

I don't have a dog in the fight yet, but in 2023 and 2028 I will. And I hope to be around to watch all their all-star games in the great six man kingdom of the Lone Star State.
swires":14ssfnx3 said:
Well I wasnt trying to start an argument!!! lol. I was just looking for information. Since we are throwing opinions, I think it would be a good deal to do a switch each year. Surely the canadians could come to wyoming, nebraska, or colorado. I recall a few years back where a canadian team came down and played a texas team, maybe may or strawn. The canadians could do it if they really wanted to. But I guess it would be harder for them to come south and get beat when they get beat at home!!! I enjoy watching the game other than their goofy rules. Am really disappointed that there aren't any texas kids playing this year. Am going to try to watch again this year if I can anyways. And I don't feel that Coach E was trying to downgrade any one particular individual, he was just expressing his experience and how it didnt go so well. It is a huge culture difference between texas football and oth"er states. They don't go at it with the passion and drive that texas teams do and that's in any division, not just 6 man. So I can see where his experience might be less than desirable. Hard to match texas football. However, it is still a good deal that kids get to be involved in the experience and that it exists. And I am sure that there are people around who could help Bear out so that he didnt have such a big burden in trying to organize. Cowboy is all about getting 6 man on the map and he knows a lot of people!!!!!!

Go team USA!

In 1996, Bjorkdale, Saskatchewan came down and played Gordon