2017 -- Week 5 -- VARSITY FINALS ONLY

I think we have it all right now... the only thing out for discussion is whether Guthrie and Gholson are considered JV games. I'll go into this more later, but it doesn't change the rankings
You know my stance but I will post anyway for public ridicule

Gholson no way...they filled their week replacing Bynum who cancelled. Unless Strawn agrees that it was a JV game and Gholson didnt suit up some of their players

Guthrie is a JV since they are playing with ineligible players...KC was made aware of it in advance and considers it a JV opponent...by rule it has to be considered a JV squad just like last week.
and you know my feelings about us acting like a school like Guthrie (official UIL enrollment 36) has a JV team. Almost comical. Plus by playing an ineligible player, they are theoretically better than their own varsity.