1st Annual Jayton Winter Clinic (1/7)


Six-man fan
1st Annual Jayton Winter Clinic (1/7/12)
Sponsored by Jerry's Sporting Goods
12:00 - Lunch (Windthorst German Sausage)
12:30 - 1:15 - Mark Coley - Abilene Christian High School
1:15 - 1:30 - Drawing/Break (Game Balls)
1:30 - 2:15 - Charles Steele - Knox City High School
2:15 - 2:30 - Drawing/Break (Shock Dr. Chin Cups or Mouth Guards)
2:30 - 3:15 - Jerry Burkhart - Richland Springs High School
3:15 - 3:30 - Drawing/Break
3:30 - ? - Chalk Talk - Write Down & Bring Your Most Effective Off., Def., & Special Teams Drill/Tool & Motivational Tool


Come on out to Jayton for our 1st Annual Winter Clinic. This will be a FREE one day get together for coaches from all over to come and talk football. We'll have film sessions, speakers and food and drinks for anyone that is interested in coming.

We need to get a good grip on how many people to expect, so if you don't mind let us know if you are interested in coming. Hope you see you on Saturday.

Josh Stanaland - [email protected] - (210-602-7069)
Clay Conrady - [email protected] (940-237-6305)
Good luck, guys! From having run several clinics, I know it's lots of work.

Hope you get a good crowd. Price is right -- so if I were anywhere near Jayton, I'd make plans for this Saturday afternoon!

And with the first clinic, that means next season can't be far away!
I would like to thank Clay Conradt and Coach Stanaland for putting on a good clinic. I know there is a lot of hard work that goes into putting something like this on. Also, thanks the Coach Coley, Coach Steele, and Coach Burkhart for their presentations. Each presentation was helpful to everyone. Again thanks to everyone involved.
Craig Templeton