11man to Sixman


Six-man observer
I've noticed schools that have made the move from 11man to Sixman in the most recent years and they haven't had that great of success. If they do have success its short lived. I'm just curious what do you think the struggle is for these teams that have made the move? I ask this question, because I went to a school that made the move to Sixman my junior high years. The transition wasn't difficult for us, we picked up the game pretty quick. There were also schools that same year that made the move and did well too. Throckmorton was one of them!
I think a lot of the reason, especially when you’re talking about private schools, is when they first transition they have a couple of really good years because they have some size and speed. Once they graduate those guys that are top athletes then they are left with the guys that are having to fill a huge gap. Then once you make the switch to six man, as we all know, we get a bad wrap from 11-man people for not being “real football”. So you can’t attract that talent. Then anyone you do develop(and wants to go play college ball) they leave you for an 11-man school for more attention. It’s a vicious cycle. As far as public school goes you get ebbs and flows every few years that’s just what happens
Wheeler did good when they played 6man. Should have gone deeper but Chillicothe surprised them and Petersburg beat them their second year.

Boys Ranch has struggled in 11man for as long as I can remember.

Booker is showing signs of being a solid D1 team. They need to work on that defense.

Springlake Earth has been consistent.

Happy was not very good when they went 6man. It took them awhile to become elite.

Throckmorton is an exception. I believe they had winning records prior to joining 6man.
My opinion. 1. Some of these schools try to hang on to 11-man and everyone loses interest in all football. Takes a few years of 6-man to get the interest and skill back.

2. Some move to 6-man and they keep the same coaching staff that know nothing about 6-man and really were not very good 11-man coaches.

3. The students and fans don’t think 6-man is football so the attitude and support is bad.
Wheeler did good when they played 6man. Should have gone deeper but Chillicothe surprised them and Petersburg beat them their second year.

Boys Ranch has struggled in 11man for as long as I can remember.

Booker is showing signs of being a solid D1 team. They need to work on that defense.

Springlake Earth has been consistent.

Happy was not very good when they went 6man. It took them awhile to become elite.

Throckmorton is an exception. I believe they had winning records prior to joining 6man.
Throckmorton was exceptional when they first switched to sixman but this year has been surprising. Looking at their remaining schedule, they can possibly win two or three at best. Small communities struggle with numbers and interest in the sport. Tough season.
I just find it funny that some of these 11man teams who join sixman think they are going to dominate right away. Then they struggle and will say cause it's hard to transition to. Our first year our junior high was 7-1, JV 7-1, and then varsity was 10-2. The two losses coming from Throckmorton, and then in the playoffs to state runner up Valley. I do believe our success came from the fact we had a group of guys that would go up to the football field all the time and play 6 on 6 or 7 on 7. The QB couldn't run, and everyone was an eligible WR. So, when football season rolled around and coach explained the rules of sixman, we grasped on to it pretty quickly.

After saying all that any rumors of who will be joining the sixman ranks next realignment?
I just find it funny that some of these 11man teams who join sixman think they are going to dominate right away. Then they struggle and will say cause it's hard to transition to. Our first year our junior high was 7-1, JV 7-1, and then varsity was 10-2. The two losses coming from Throckmorton, and then in the playoffs to state runner up Valley. I do believe our success came from the fact we had a group of guys that would go up to the football field all the time and play 6 on 6 or 7 on 7. The QB couldn't run, and everyone was an eligible WR. So, when football season rolled around and coach explained the rules of sixman, we grasped on to it pretty quickly.

After saying all that any rumors of who will be joining the sixman ranks next realignment?
Do you mind sharing what school you played at?
Paducah, not a powerhouse but if you look at our earlier years in sixman we did pretty well. The years 2005-10 were the best years, after that it's kind of been rough.
I was thinking and hoping it was Paducah. Reason being is I was so mad I had to play basketball and I didn't get to see that game. My older brother went and said that was the best game he's ever seen. He said Paducah should've won. I always thought that if yall made it to state against RS, yalls speed would've made a difference.

Random question. Is there any film of that game. I heard Hampton, Hurst, Walker, plus many others were awesome to watch. I played with Gerald in the all-star game with my twin brother. I was hoping we had another Paducah on our team along with 2 Valleys. But we had majority alternates.
I was thinking and hoping it was Paducah. Reason being is I was so mad I had to play basketball and I didn't get to see that game. My older brother went and said that was the best game he's ever seen. He said Paducah should've won. I always thought that if yall made it to state against RS, yalls speed would've made a difference.

Random question. Is there any film of that game. I heard Hampton, Hurst, Walker, plus many others were awesome to watch. I played with Gerald in the all-star game with my twin brother. I was hoping we had another Paducah on our team along with 2 Valleys. But we had majority alternates.
It was a great game! If I'm not mistaken, I think we had a pretty significant lead and just let it slip. I always said that Gerald was one the greatest athletes I've ever seen play. The dude had some Barry Sanders type moves. Yes Walker, Hampton and Hemphill were awesome to watch! I'm sure I can get in contact with someone who has film to that game. Granted it will be on vhs!
It was a great game! If I'm not mistaken, I think we had a pretty significant lead and just let it slip. I always said that Gerald was one the greatest athletes I've ever seen play. The dude had some Barry Sanders type moves. Yes Walker, Hampton and Hemphill were awesome to watch! I'm sure I can get in contact with someone who has film to that game. Granted it will be on vhs!
I don't care if it's on VHS, if I can watch that game it will make up for when I missed it live. Gerald was fun to play with, and boy was he quick and fast
Throckmorton was exceptional when they first switched to sixman but this year has been surprising. Looking at their remaining schedule, they can possibly win two or three at best. Small communities struggle with numbers and interest in the sport. Tough season.
Throckmorton waited too long...they could have won state in 2004 and maybe before then if they moved to 6man sooner
My personal opinion is it begins with a commitment from admin and school board to make decisions quickly and precisely. Waiting allows for too many emotions and opinions to cloud sound judgement. To have a legitimate shot at a smooth transition, and beginning something that has a chance at longevity, the administration and school board can't drag their feet with all the redundant meetings and votes. They need to meet privately, have speakers prepared to represent both sides, and make a decision that night. Notify the current coaching staff their dual-contract for coaching will be non-renewed, that night. Current coaches should be put on a non-disclosure agreement, thus limiting their contact with parents and students. They have the option of applying for the new position, like everyone else, but interviews start in 10 days (stop delaying the inevitable and allowing misinformation a chance to brew). So often when you delay, the "in-house" staff becomes disenchanted, and can speak poorly of the move, which sours students and parents on the transition before it ever happens. If the district keeps that staff, no one wants to be out there, so it never has a fair shake from the beginning. If they bring in a new staff, the new staff is viewed as the "DARK SIDE" and the killer of "tradition". They're not offered a fair shot because of the negativity spewed from the previous staff, and struggle to get the best players to play, or even stay. Make quick decisions, be transparent with the decisions made, give it a fair shot at being successful, and support, support, support the transition.