Like I said before "The south will rise again" I am really tired of conspiracy thearies running our peoples lives. Like Bush could have sat on the beach in New Orleans and said Please mister hurricane don’t hit New Orleans! Give me a break, I mean how moronic do you have to be to believe this. But I do agree that he is trying to take away our guns but it isn’t in the way that most of us think. I am stationed in a state that to buy ammo you now have to run a federal back ground just like you would if you were going to buy a gun. The price of ammo as most of you can tell has been steadily rising and the reason for this is the tax that our “One Big A$$ Mistake” has put on it. Now how does this keep ammo or our guns out of our hands. Well most cheap ammo comes from over seas, if anyone shoots Wolf or any variant of this which comes from Russia, the taxes to get the product here in the united states has tripled in cost so it is now cheaper for them not to make the ammo than it is for them to ship it over here and try and sell it for an un-godly amount, which we will not buy because of how cheap the round is in the first place. So that my chums is how Obama is going to take our guns away.
There were a lot of things that I didn’t agree with in the Bush administration, but going to war was not one of them. I was there when he gave us the Job Acomplished speech on the Regan, hell even had a steak dinner with the good old Texas boy. But in comparison of what we have now I would go back for another 8 years of Bush and never look back. We need someone that is strong and has good values to lead this country not some fake Christian trying to hide his Muslim faith.
There were a lot of things that I didn’t agree with in the Bush administration, but going to war was not one of them. I was there when he gave us the Job Acomplished speech on the Regan, hell even had a steak dinner with the good old Texas boy. But in comparison of what we have now I would go back for another 8 years of Bush and never look back. We need someone that is strong and has good values to lead this country not some fake Christian trying to hide his Muslim faith.