Recent content by Sissylue

  1. S

    Rule Bobcats

    Rule played an excellent game Friday night against Woodson and won. I was particularly impressed with the teamwork by the Bobcats with no one individual dominating the game but just solid teamwork by everyone involved. The team may be fewer in number than when they started the season but the...
  2. S

    Keep Granger in your prayers.

    Granger - I am so sorry for the loss your family has suffered. Your step-father sounds like he was an absolutely amazing person.
  3. S

    Trashiest fans in the state?

    Oglesby a few seasons ago. One spectator. Language that had me moving my children out of hearing range (I am told that alcohol was a definitive factor in the verbal display). I'm not sure if the coaches, refs or opposing team members/fans ever complained but the other Oglesby fans sure did...
  4. S

    Fajitapete's week 5 picks

    Jayton by 49?? I curse your football number churning machine!!
  5. S

    I Can't Believe I'm Saying This:

    Well the rain held off to a continuous light drizzle and the game was played - well played by both sides with a final score of 34-30. Both teams played hard and never slacked. I left a happy camper and the rain may now return in all its previous intensity.
  6. S

    I Can't Believe I'm Saying This:

    GO AWAY RAIN !!! Right now. I have a Homecoming Game to go to!!! I don't care if the past 2 years have been drought conditions - just go away.
  7. S

    Ouch !!

    Really sorry to hear that Jeremy got hurt. My kid mentioned it to me on the drive to school this morning, first I've heard about it. It was posted on her FaceBook page. Hope it's not serious but she seems to think he will be out for the season. Hope he heals fast and the rest of the players stay...
  8. S

    Coach Grimes thread

    Bud-4-U I don't know if Coach Grimes is guilty or innocent of anything; I tend to be skeptical and cynical myself. But you are a good friend, and I hope that Coach Grimes is found innocent for your sake as much as his. If I were ever in trouble I would want someone just like you in my corner...
  9. S

    Oh if I could live in any six man town, it would be...

    And if you want remote why not go with Sanderson? Even if people know where it is, it's not like anyone is going to bother to drive there. (important historical note: it was the Sanderson 6 man football team that introduced me to and first got me excited about 6 man football - long before my...
  10. S

    Oh if I could live in any six man town, it would be...

    Definitely Ft. Davis. The proximity of McDonalds, the State Park and the historic fort ruins only sweeten the the deal (especially McDonalds and may I take this opportunity to say "CURSE YOU CLOUD COVER").
  11. S

    KTT of MT to go on list

    well all I've got to say is football is going to be starting in the not too distant future so you guys better get all this fishin' business done and wrapped up so you can start concentrating on the important stuff
  12. S

    KT of CO Spared Annihilation

    Pope! You going to Montana to slay the montanan fish? The doctors say the montana mountains are good but the colorado mountains are evil?
  13. S

    Stupid is as stupid does

    How do you know all this??? Are you googling like mad ? have insider sources ?? run a detective agency when you're not at 6 man football games ?? (Pope Burford's Holistic Detective Agency)
  14. S

    Stupid is as stupid does

    Heh. So after reading that I googled the guy's name and came up with this. i don't know if it's the same Edwards or not but thinking it might be since it's in texas as well. Ah texas small town living - gotta love it.
  15. S

    Stupid is as stupid does

    Sounds to me like the store owner was doing what all sensible store owners do - staying out of politics in the workplace - her "neutral" bond sign which presumably told people to vote but wasn't so arrogant as to tell people HOW they should vote is much more sensible than taking a stance one way...