WV vs Ft. Davis

I've always enjoyed WV playing Ft. Davis. Their kids and fans are a class act. I liked the way their players sought out our players after the game to mingle. And when we beat Abbott in summer 6 on 6, Ft. Davis players were the first on the field to congrat the boys.
I remember that CatWild. A lot of good sportsmanship from Fort Davis and Water Valley that day. Not so much from Abbot unfortunately as the game ended. I'm certain next week will be nothing less than a good clean football game.

And although next week's matchup will also be "6 on 6"... it won't be "touch" football. I expect some hard hitting action and I think the Wildcats are hungry for their first playoff win!!!

Has anybody received confirmation as to the game location and time? I heard it might be McCamey, but no confirmation yet.

I agree with FanInBlack... GO GET IT WILDCATS!
So who's up for the long drive to McCamey to watch the Wildcats win their first playoff game since 1946? That's so long ago that even the OBK wasn't around for it and it's about time that changed.
WV Backer":3dnj62j8 said:
So who's up for the long drive to McCamey to watch the Wildcats win their first playoff game since 1946? That's so long ago that even the OBK wasn't around for it and it's about time that changed.

My dad was in the 5th grade at Plainview that year......
WV Backer":1m2hk59v said:
So who's up for the long drive to McCamey to watch the Wildcats win their first playoff game since 1946? That's so long ago that even the OBK wasn't around for it and it's about time that changed.
You bet! Already got a truck load of folks that want to go and support these Wildcats.
WV Backer":qe0lg5us said:
So who's up for the long drive to McCamey to watch the Wildcats win their first playoff game since 1946? That's so long ago that even the OBK wasn't around for it and it's about time that changed.

Hey Backer.... I figured ole Rabid would have signed the title to that Thunderwagon over to you? How many does that thing seat? You shouldn't have any problem finding plenty of WV fans to go with you.
Oh no, no way I can carry that mantle. The Rabid Wildcat was a one-of-a-kind and the Thunderwagon, his chariot. I'm not licensed for that kind of vehicle anyway. Nearest I can figure the ole Thunderwagon could carry one more... always!
WV Backer":1no6ctxa said:
Oh no, no way I can carry that mantle. The Rabid Wildcat was a one-of-a-kind and the Thunderwagon, his chariot. I'm not licensed for that kind of vehicle anyway. Nearest I can figure the ole Thunderwagon could carry one more... always!

I hear you Backer. I doubt a normal sized man could even reach the pedal or see over the dash in that there mosheen.

Big shout out to the WV Volleyball girls tonight as they take on Miles tonight in the regional quarterfinal! GO LADYCATS!
WV Backer":2ge0vqz6 said:
Oh no, no way I can carry that mantle. The Rabid Wildcat was a one-of-a-kind and the Thunderwagon, his chariot. I'm not licensed for that kind of vehicle anyway. Nearest I can figure the ole Thunderwagon could carry one more... always!

Now that's a Thunderwagon! I bet we could make good time going to McCamey in that thing. Wouldn't want to pay for the gas though.
I am getting ready, wv player! Will be all blacked out as will all the will all wildcat nation. Hope mccamey will have enough seating because everyone i have talked to is making the trek. This is proverbial but last one out tonight, please turn out the lights. Fort davis, if you bring your basketballs, will gladly help air them up so you will be ready to go on monday. Guess i could also stop by school and you can borrow ours for four more weeks. Reply and let me know which is easier. Go mighty, mighty wildcats! Ready for some football!
4 more weeks???? I'm going with wv tonight but I'm thinking they better enjoy it. Liable to be the last one of the season. Ira next week stops the wagon. Been a nice run though.
Wildcats, stay focused on your game with Ft. Davis! Go out and play Wildcat ball just like you have been doing and things will work out in our favor. And while your out there playing, dont forget to have some fun! The Wildcat nation will no doubt be out in full force to support you guys. GO CATS!!!!
Good luck to all and special thoughts for the young men from Ft Davis,
you know this is but a game one i know you will fight hard for , but you see i remember why you are even more special that with all the wild fires that ravaged your land and town not for a day but for days and days you struggled to help your neighbors some you may have not seen eye to eye with in life’s struggle. you have shown your metal your heart and i am proud for you as well as of you. so when you step out on the field remember the men you are, the families you come from, the sacrifices that you and that they gave not for a win but for lives. so you know that in your heart no one can take away these feelings ..... good luck young men leave it all it all on the field and never give up never give in.....
kbjoe1":36xd1vjz said:
Good luck to all and special thoughts for the young men from Ft Davis,
you know this is but a game one i know you will fight hard for , but you see i remember why you are even more special that with all the wild fires that ravaged your land and town not for a day but for days and days you struggled to help your neighbors some you may have not seen eye to eye with in life’s struggle. you have shown your metal your heart and i am proud for you as well as of you. so when you step out on the field remember the men you are, the families you come from, the sacrifices that you and that they gave not for a win but for lives. so you know that in your heart no one can take away these feelings ..... good luck young men leave it all it all on the field and never give up never give in.....
legacy of boys among men, its the south we were born to protect our families and land, im glad to hear that we have a younger generation that hasnt forgot