WV ranking on another site


Six-man pro
Ranking? It doesn't matter, it will play itself out. I did notice something that blew my mind. I read the latest blogs on the Lonestar Football Network and Water Valley was ranked number 2 last week by sixmancentral. After beating Eden 50-0 you are out of the top 10 all together. The other 9 are still there with Bynum falling in the number 10 spot. Just thought that was interesting.
You're right, rankings don't matter, but that makes no sense at all.
Bet there was an oversite of some sort. Don got caught up in some of those "crazy eights" games and made a "wacky" top ten.
I have a glitch somewhere. WaterValley is 3rd behind Ira and Borden County. It is correct on my site at sixmancentral.blogspot.com

Don Hardin
i read somewhere thought it was on a stream here but might be mistaken,,, that wv is rated #1 in the state and in the top 3 in the country. i am sure ira was in that same area along with trock
You guys are right, rankings don't mean much. They're really just for fun and consternation. I get a little worried when I see Water Valley ranked that high anyway. Heck man, I just want to see a playoff win for starters. They have an exceptional team this year with a great bunch of kids that play hard and I just hope they are able to enjoy all the success that hard work brings.